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Created June 23, 2021 11:19
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import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/;
public function main() {
LogRecord logRecord = {
time: "2021-05-04T10:32:13.220+05:30",
level: "DEBUG",
module: "foo/bar",
message: "debug \n message",
"username": "Alex",
"id": 845315
string logMessage = printLogFmtExtern(logRecord);
type LogRecord record {
string time;
string level;
string module;
string message;
isolated function printLogFmtExtern(LogRecord logRecord) returns string {
string message = "";
foreach [string, anydata] [k, v] in logRecord.entries() {
string value;
match k {
"time"|"level" => {
value = v.toString();
"module" => {
value = v.toString();
if value == "" {
value = string `\"${value}\"`;
_ => {
if v is string {
value = string `${escape(v.toString())}`;
} else {
value = v.toString();
if message == "" {
message = message + string `${k} = ${value}`;
} else {
message = message + string ` ${k} = ${value}`;
return message;
isolated function escape(string msg) returns string {
// return regex:replaceAll(msg, "\n", "\\n");
handle temp = escapseExternal(java:fromString(msg), java:fromString("\n"), java:fromString("\\n"));
string? updatedString = java:toString(temp);
if (updatedString is string) {
return updatedString.toBalString();
} else {
// Should never reach here.
error e = error(string `error occurred while replacing`);
panic e;
// public isolated function replaceAll(string originalString, string regex, string replacement) returns string {
// handle value = replaceAllExternal(java:fromString(originalString), java:fromString(regex),
// java:fromString(replacement));
// io:println(value);
// string? updatedString = java:toString(value);
// if (updatedString is string) {
// return updatedString;
// } else {
// // Should never reach here.
// error e = error(string `error occurred while replacing ${regex} in ${originalString}`);
// panic e;
// }
// }
// isolated function replaceAllExternal(handle originalString, handle regex, handle replacement) returns handle = @java:Method {
// name: "replaceAll",
// 'class: "java.lang.String",
// paramTypes: ["java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"]
// } external;
public isolated function escapseExternal(handle receiver, handle target, handle replacement) returns handle = @java:Method {
'class: "java.lang.String",
name: "replace"
} external;
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