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Created June 27, 2019 14:52
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public interface XWWWFormUrlencodedHTTPHandler extends HttpHandler {
* Handles an HTTP request encoded as <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>.
* This format takes a set of key-value pairs as its input. This method does
* not place requirements on what format is used for the output.
* @param params The parameters given in the request, a set of key/value
* pairs.
* @param method The method used by the request, most commonly
* <code>GET</code> or <code>POST</code>.
* @return A pair of {output, HTTP status code}. The output is an arbitrary
* string of bytes, which is in turn given a format.
* @throws Exception
public Pair<Pair<byte[], String>, Integer> process(
Parameters params, String method) throws Exception;
* Translates the given HTTP request into a set of key/value pairs,
* processes it, and sends the result back to the HTTP client.
* <p>
* At present, only the <code>POST</code> HTTP method is supported. Other
* methods may become supported in future.
* @param exchange The HTTP exchange object that contains information about
* the client and its request.
* @throws IOException If something goes wrong reading the stream from the
* client or writing the stream to the client
public default void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
try {
Parameters params = new Parameters();
Pair<Pair<byte[], String>, Integer> response;
try {
if (!exchange.getRequestMethod().equals("POST")) {
throw new HTTPResponseException(405, "Request method "
+ exchange.getRequestMethod() + " is unsupported");
try (InputStream body = exchange.getRequestBody()) {
decodeInputStream(body, params);
response = process(params, exchange.getRequestMethod());
} catch (HTTPResponseException ex) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
response = stringResponse(ex.getMessage() + (cause == null ? ""
: ": " + cause.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ (cause.getMessage() == null ? ""
: ": " + cause.getMessage())),
} catch (Exception ex) {
/* rethrow IOExceptions, as the HttpHandler interface expects */
if (ex instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) ex;
/* something else went wrong = HTTP 500 */
response = stringResponse(ex.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage(), 500);
if (response.getFirst().getSecond() != null) {
/* specify the format of the reply, unless there isn't one */
"Content-Type", response.getFirst().getSecond());
byte[] responseBody = response.getFirst().getFirst();
response.getSecond() == 204 || response.getSecond() == 205
? -1 : responseBody.length);
} finally {
* Reads an input stream in <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> format,
* storing its key/value pairs into a given map.
* @param stream The stream to read.
* @param map The map in which to <code>put</code> the results. If the map
* is initially empty, this method will thus populate it into a copy of the
* key/value pairs in the input stream.
* @throws HTTPResponseException If the data is malformed
static void decodeInputStream(InputStream stream, Map<String, String> map)
throws HTTPResponseException {
Scanner s = new Scanner(stream).useDelimiter("\\&");
s.forEachRemaining((pair) -> {
Scanner s2 = new Scanner(pair).useDelimiter("=");
String key =;
try {
String value = URLDecoder.decode(, "UTF-8");
map.put(key, value);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException
| NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new HTTPResponseException(500,
"Could not decode x-www-form-urlencoded data", ex);
* Produces a return value for <code>process</code> indicating success, but
* with no payload data.
* @return A suitable return value for use by <code>process</code>.
public static Pair<Pair<byte[], String>, Integer> voidResponse() {
/* 204 = "success, no data" */
return new Pair<>(new Pair<>(new byte[0], null), 204);
* Formats a set of key/value pairs as an appropriate return value for
* <code>process</code>. This will be returned in the
* <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> format.
* @param response The set of key/value pairs to respond with.
* @param code The HTTP response code to use (e.g. 200 for "OK").
* @return A suitable return value for use by <code>process</code>.
* @throws If one of the strings cannot be encoded (e.g.
* due to containing mismatched surrogate pairs)
public static Pair<Pair<byte[], String>, Integer> keyValuePairsResponse(
Map<String, String> response, int code) throws IOException {
return new Pair<>(new Pair<>(urlEncodeMap(response).getBytes("UTF-8"),
"text/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"), code);
* Formats a string as an appropriate return value for <code>process</code>.
* This will be returned as plaintext.
* @param response The string to respond with. A newline will be appended to
* it.
* @param code The HTTP response code to use (e.g. 404 for "not found").
* @return A suitable return value for use by <code>process</code>.
* @throws If the string cannot be encoded (e.g. due to
* containing mismatched surrogate pairs)
public static Pair<Pair<byte[], String>, Integer> stringResponse(
String response, int code) throws IOException {
return new Pair<>(new Pair<>((response + "\r\n").getBytes("UTF-8"),
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"), code);
* Encodes the given <code>Map</code> into
* <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> format.
* @param map The map to encode.
* @return A string encoding <code>map</code>.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If the content could not be encoded
public static String urlEncodeMap(Map<String, String> map)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
StringBuilder encoded = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : map.entrySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
encoded.append(URLEncoder.encode(e.getKey(), "UTF-8"));
encoded.append(URLEncoder.encode(e.getValue(), "UTF-8"));
return encoded.toString();
* An exception that, if thrown, causes a particular HTTP response. This can
* be used for exceptions that are the client's fault, not the server's
* fault, to override the default 500 response code.
public static class HTTPResponseException extends RuntimeException {
* Serialisation version. This was originally chosen at random, and
* should be changed whenever the class changes in an incompatible way.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0xe3a55e5dff7b8f6eL;
* The HTTP code that will be used.
private final int responseCode;
* Returns the HTTP response code to use.
* @return The response code.
public int getResponseCode() {
return responseCode;
* Creates an HTTP response exception with a given message and response
* code.
* @param responseCode The HTTP status code to respond with.
* @param message The plaintext message to send. A newline will be
* appended to it.
public HTTPResponseException(int responseCode, String message) {
this.responseCode = responseCode;
* Creates an HTTP response exception wrapping a given exception, with a
* given response code.
* @param responseCode The HTTP status code to respond with.
* @param message The message to prefix to the exception's message.
* @param cause The exception to wrap.
public HTTPResponseException(int responseCode,
String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
this.responseCode = responseCode;
* A set of key-value pairs. This is just a
* <code>Map&lt;String, String&gt;</code>, but contains convenience methods
* to automatically report errors if something goes wrong.
public static class Parameters extends HashMap<String, String> {
* Serialisation version. This was originally chosen at random, and
* should be changed whenever the class changes in an incompatible way.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0x58e9dc63d8669bfcL;
* Returns the value corresponding to the given key. If the key is
* missing, this is considered an error by the user, and an HTTP 400
* response is returned explaining this.
* @param key The key whose value should be returned.
* @return The corresponding value, as a string.
* @throws HTTPResponseException If the parameter is missing
public String parameter(String key) throws HTTPResponseException {
if (containsKey(key)) {
return get(key);
} else {
throw new HTTPResponseException(
400, "Required parameter '" + key + "' missing");
* Returns the value corresponding to the given key, using a given
* function to decode it from a string. If the key is missing, or the
* decoding function fails, this is considered an error by the user, and
* an HTTP 400 response is returned explaining this.
* @param <T> The type of value expected.
* @param <X> The exception that's thrown if decoding failed. (If
* failure does not produce an exception, this method is unnecessary;
* just call <code>parameter</code>, then decode the result.)
* @param key The key whose value should be returned.
* @param decoder The method that decodes the value from a string into a
* value of type <code>T</code>.
* @param exception The exception thrown when decoding fails. This must
* be given explicitly due to Java's type erasure rules.
* @return The corresponding value, as a string.
* @throws HTTPResponseException If the parameter is missing or could
* not be decoded
public <T, X extends Exception> T decodeParameter(
String key, ExceptionFunction<String, T, X> decoder,
Class<X> exception) {
String param = parameter(key);
try {
return decoder.apply(param);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (exception.isAssignableFrom(ex.getClass())) {
throw new HTTPResponseException(
400, "Could not decode parameter '" + key + "'", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new HTTPResponseException(
400, "Could not decode parameter '" + key + "'", ex);
* Generic interface for a function that can throw an exception.
* @param <A> The function's argument.
* @param <R> The function's return type.
* @param <X> The type of exception the function can throw. This must be a
* checked exception (not a <code>RuntimeException</code> or
* <code>Error</code>).
public interface ExceptionFunction<A, R, X extends Exception> {
* decoder Applies the function to a given argument.
* @param arg The function's argument.
* @return The function's return value, if it succeeds.
* @throws X The exception thrown by the function, if it fails.
R apply(A arg) throws X;
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