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Last active March 10, 2024 03:20
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Optimal echo combination accounting for motion correction
""" Echo combination.
1. Motion correction
2. Compute weights on motion corrected data
3. Apply inverse transform on weights
4. Apply weights on original data to minimize interpolation.
For the echo combination, the first echo was motion corrected using ANTs for
rigid transformation. The transforms were subsequently applied to the later
echoes. The mean images of the motion corrected echoes were subsequently used
for estimating a T2star map. Weights for each echo were computed from the T2star
map assuming a simple exponential decay model. The weights were then applied to
each volume of the original datasets after applying an inverse transformation
corresponding to the motion correction. Finally, the weighted echoes were
averaged to form an optimally combined image.
import ants
from tedana.utils import make_adaptive_mask
from tedana.decay import fit_decay
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
import operator
from typing import List, Tuple
def multiecho_motion_correction(
echoes: List[ants.ANTsImage], mask: ants.ANTsImage
) -> Tuple[List[ants.ANTsImage], List[List[str]]]:
"""Given a sorted list of ants images, each a 4D image with a different
echo-time, this function will compute parameter estimates from the first echo
and apply to all echoes, returning both a list of motion corrected ants images,
and a list of the transformation files corresponding to the motion correction.
The motion correction is performed using a rigid transformation.
echo_0: ants.ANTsImage = echoes[0]
mcf_0: dict = ants.motion_correction(echo_0, mask=mask, type_of_transform="BOLDRigid")
mcf_others = [apply_to_other_echo(x, mcf_0) for x in echoes[1:]]
return [mcf_0["motion_corrected"], *mcf_others], mcf_0["motion_parameters"]
def apply_to_other_echo(other_echo: ants.ANTsImage, mcf: dict) -> ants.ANTsImage:
"""Given a ants image (other_echo) and an ANTs motion corrected output
(dict with 'motion_corrected' and 'motion_parameters' keys), return the other_echo
motion corrected with the transforms from the first echo.
fixed_list = ants.ndimage_to_list(ants.image_clone(mcf["motion_corrected"]))
moving_list = ants.ndimage_to_list(other_echo)
transforms = mcf["motion_parameters"]
out: List[ants.ANTsImage] = [
ants.apply_transforms(fixed, moving, transform)
for fixed, moving, transform in zip(fixed_list, moving_list, transforms)
image_target: ants.ANTsImage = ants.image_clone(mcf["motion_corrected"])
return ants.list_to_ndimage(image_target, out)
def get_weights(list_mcf: List[ants.ANTsImage], tes: np.array) -> List[ants.ANTsImage]:
"""Uses tedana to compute a t2star map and weights for optimal combination.
Returns a list with 3D weights corresponding to each echo.
catd: np.array = np.stack(
[ants.get_average_of_timeseries(x).flatten() for x in list_mcf], axis=-1
# Use TEDANA to generate a t2star map.
mask, masksum = make_adaptive_mask(catd[:, :, np.newaxis], getsum=True)
_, _, _, _, t2sfull, _ = fit_decay(catd[:, :, np.newaxis], tes, mask, masksum)
weights: List[np.array] = [te * np.exp(-te / t2sfull) for te in tes]
# Normalise weights
normfactor: np.array = reduce(operator.add, weights)
weights = [np.nan_to_num(weight / normfactor) for weight in weights]
# Reshape and bring the weights into an ants.ANTsImage object.
refs: List[ants.ANTsImage] = [
ants.image_clone(ants.slice_image(x, 3, 0)) for x in list_mcf
for ref, weight in zip(refs, weights):
ref[:, :, :] = np.reshape(weight, ref.shape)
return refs
def apply_weights(
echoes: List[ants.ANTsImage],
weights: List[ants.ANTsImage],
motion_parameters: List[List[str]],
) -> List[ants.ANTsImage]:
"""Take a list of 4D echoes and a list of 3D weights, and apply the weights
to the echoes. The motion_parameters are used to register the weights to each
individual volume of the 4D echo.
Return a list of weighted echoes the same size as the input echoes.
weighted_imgs: List = []
for echo, weight in zip(echoes, weights):
# Need to break a 4d file into 3d to apply transforms to individually.
echo_lst_3d: List[ants.ANTsImage] = ants.ndimage_to_list(echo)
# Here apply transform, but invert them since we want to "undo" the
# motion correction.
weighted_echo_lst_3d = [
ants.apply_transforms(x, weight, t, whichtoinvert=[True]) * x
for x, t in zip(echo_lst_3d, motion_parameters)
# Bring them back to 4d
image_target: ants.ANTsImage = ants.image_clone(echo)
weighted_imgs.append(ants.list_to_ndimage(image_target, weighted_echo_lst_3d))
return weighted_imgs
def optimal_combination(echoes: List[str], tes: List[float], save_weights: bool = False):
"""Take a list of echo filenames and a list of TEs and return an optimally
combined image (using a T2star weighting approach)
loaded_data = [ants.image_read(x) for x in echoes]
mask = ants.get_mask(ants.get_average_of_timeseries(loaded_data[0]))
list_mcf, motion_pars = multiecho_motion_correction(loaded_data, mask)
weights = get_weights(list_mcf, np.array(tes))
if save_weights:
raise NotImplementedError("Saving weights is not yet available.")
weighted_data = apply_weights(loaded_data, weights, motion_pars)
# At this point the weights have already been normalised, so we can simply
# sum all echoes.
combined: ants.ANTsImage = reduce(operator.add, weighted_data)
return combined
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Dear Daniel,
Thank you for this function.
I tried the part for multi echo motion correction. Could you please add some information for the using of get_weights apply_weights and optimal_combination functions ?

Like an example for using ?

Thank you

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dangom commented Mar 10, 2024

Hi David, please check out this repo:

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