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Created September 14, 2016 04:53
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[18:53] == dangpzanco [bfbf3627@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yocto
[18:53] <dangpzanco> hi
[18:54] <dangpzanco> is there anybody out there?
[18:56] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #953 of nightly-arm is complete: Failure [failed Running Sanity Tests Building Toolchain Images BuildImages_1 Building Toolchain Images_1 BuildImages_2] Build details are at
[18:56] == smferris [~smferris@] has joined #yocto
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[19:02] <Ulfalizer> just nod if you can see me
[19:08] <dangpzanco> *nod*
[19:09] <dangpzanco> so, i've been trying to install gfortran on my intel galileo with yocto
[19:09] <dangpzanco> but the gcc recipe doesnt generate any gfortran binary
[19:10] <dangpzanco> i'm actually using ostro-project as my base image
[19:10] == Ulfalizer []
[19:10] == realname : Ulfalizer
[19:10] == channels : #yocto
[19:10] == server : [FR]
[19:10] == End of WHOIS
[19:12] == jkridner|pd [~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[19:21] == Guest81740 has changed nick to blueness
[19:28] == nighty [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:40] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #941 of nightly-ppc is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages_1] Build details are at
[19:40] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #570 of nightly-mips64 is complete: Failure [failed Running Sanity Tests] Build details are at
[19:52] == aehs29 [~aehernan@] has left #yocto []
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[20:09] <Ulfalizer> dangpzanco: i was (mis)quoting some lyrics. not sure about gfortran. :)
[20:14] <dangpzanco> hahah, pink floyd <3
[20:14] <dangpzanco> well, actually I need to install scipy in there
[20:15] <dangpzanco> scipy needs a BLAS/LAPACK package
[20:15] <dangpzanco> which needs fortran
[20:15] <dangpzanco> so
[20:15] <dangpzanco> scipy->libatlas->gfortran
[20:16] == igor2 [~igor@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:18] == benjamirc [~besquive@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:30] <Ulfalizer> dangpzanco: meta-poky/conf/local.conf.sample.extended has a note about fortran. not sure if it's up-to-date though.
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[20:44] == nighty [] has joined #yocto
[20:55] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #943 of nightly-x86 is complete: Failure [failed Running Sanity Tests] Build details are at
[20:58] == Crofton [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[21:14] == mpowell [44009aa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yocto
[21:15] <Ulfalizer> bit obfuscating that a lot of code uses stuff like foo[0], foo[1], etc., for fields instead of assigning them to meaningful names. have to trace backwards to see what they actually are.
[21:15] <Ulfalizer> since they're used multiple times, assigning to name probably wouldn't affect performance either
[21:15] <Ulfalizer> *whine*
[21:15] <Ulfalizer> *assigning to names
[21:16] <mpowell> is there a cmake via bitbake expert that I can help with some questions?
[21:26] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #656 of nightly-world-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at
[21:27] == JordonWu [~quassel@] has joined #yocto
[21:27] -YoctoAutoBuilder:#yocto- build #926 of nightly-mips is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages_1] Build details are at
[21:30] == manuel_ [] has joined #yocto
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[23:37] == Ulfalizer []
[23:37] == realname : Ulfalizer
[23:37] == channels : #yocto
[23:37] == server : [FR]
[23:37] == End of WHOIS
[23:40] <dangpzanco> Ulfalizer: thanks for your help, I tried uncommenting the lines on local.conf.sample.extend and tried what was decribed on this post
[23:40] <dangpzanco> it did not work
[23:40] <dangpzanco> fortran was compiled
[23:41] <dangpzanco> but the tests failes
[23:41] <dangpzanco> falied*
[23:41] <dangpzanco> failed**
[23:41] <dangpzanco> checking whether the GNU Fortran compiler is working... no
[23:50] <Ulfalizer> dangpzanco: is that while configuring the program you're trying to build with it?
[23:51] <Ulfalizer> you could check if the fortran compiler got built at least. might be helpful to check package contents.
[23:51] <Ulfalizer> urr
[23:52] <Ulfalizer>
[23:52] <Ulfalizer> it'll appear inside tmp/ then as well, e.g. in the gcc ${WORKDIR}
[23:54] == Nilesh_ [uid116340@gateway/web/] has joined #yocto
[23:57] <Ulfalizer> might have more luck on the mailing lists
[00:00] <Ulfalizer> could open a devshell too and check if it's available in the FC environment variable. that seems to be the fortran equivalent to CC.
[00:00] <Ulfalizer> if nothing else, it'll tell you where it's supposed to be :P
[00:03] <Ulfalizer> or hrm... that just has the name it would have
[00:07] <Ulfalizer> dangpzanco: are you trying to install a fortran compiler into the target compiler, or trying to cross-compile a fortran program btw?
[00:09] == fenrig [5ee32de5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yocto
[00:09] <fenrig> Hi, Im having troubles with adding my own recipe and using hard floats
[00:10] <fenrig> I'm getting "gnu/stubs-soft.h: No such file or directory"
[00:10] <fenrig> for raspberry pi3
[00:10] <fenrig> Its a cmake project, so probably have to change something in cmakelist ?
[00:11] <fenrig> I've already tried "EXTRA_OECONF_GCC_FLOAT = "${@get_gcc_float_setting(bb, d)}" "
[00:11] <Ulfalizer> the instructions on the page you linked seem to be the first case. if you're trying to cross-compile, you probably need the -cross version of the recipe that builds the fortran compiler. maybe that's the gcc-cross recipe though, and it'd be weird if that hadn't already gotten built.
[00:12] == gabrbedd [] has quit [Quit: Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5]
[00:12] <dangpzanco> i tried doing this: bitbake -f -c compile gcc
[00:12] <dangpzanco>
[00:12] <dangpzanco> the log file ^
[00:13] <dangpzanco> Ulfalizer
[00:13] <Ulfalizer> ok, don't know what the problem is. mailing list might be more helpful.
[00:13] <dangpzanco> i'm trying to install gfortran to the galileo board
[00:14] <dangpzanco> yocto mailing list?
[00:14] <Ulfalizer> yup,
[00:14] <dangpzanco> thanks for your help
[00:14] <dangpzanco> : )
[00:17] <fenrig> Can I maybe pass another CFLAG from within my recipe?
[00:17] <fenrig> Can I maybe pass another CFLAG from within my recipe?
[00:20] == armpit [~akuster@2601:202:4001:9ea0:5cc0:c5c5:cd45:7fc7] has joined #yocto
[00:22] == fenrig [5ee32de5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:26] <Ulfalizer> dangpzanco: did you try a plain 'bitbake gcc' too?
[01:02] == AndersD [] has joined #yocto
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