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Created January 28, 2014 13:28
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# global parameters
# log on syslog of udp port 514 (default) using local0 facility.
log local0
# maximum number of concurrent connections
maxconn 4096
# drop privileges after port binding
user nobody
group nogroup
# run in daemon mode
# store pid of process in the file
pidfile /var/run/
# create this socket for stats
stats socket /var/run/socket-haproxy
# defaults section sets default parameters for all other following sections
# use logging options defined in global
log global
# run in L7 mode
mode http
# log into httplog format
option httplog
# disable logging of null connections
option dontlognull
# VERY IMPORTANT OPTION: Analyze each request individually and evaluate acls for each request. Don't run in tunnel mode.
option http-server-close
# redispatch the request in case primary server based on session stickyness is down
option redispatch
# maximum inactivity time on client side. Recommended to keep it same as server timeout
timeout client 30s
# maximum time given to server to respond to a request
timeout server 30s
# maximum time to wait for a server connection to succeed. Can be as low as few msec if Haproxy and server are on same LAN
timeout connect 1s
# timeout for keep alive
timeout http-keep-alive 60s
# maximum time to wait for client to send full request. Keep it like 5s for get DoS protection
timeout http-request 5s
# enable stats web interface. very helpful to see what's happening in haproxy
stats enable
# default referesh time for web interface
stats refresh 10s
# uri for the web interface
stats uri /stats
frontend inbound
# bind to port 80 on all interfaces
# bind to port 443 on all interfaces
# enable HTTPS loading cert from file
# Enable TLSv1+ (available on all major browsers)
# Choose ciphers specified here. The mentioned ciphers work on all browsers, are easy on server and offer BEAST protection
bind ssl crt /etc/cert.pem nosslv3 prefer-server-ciphers ciphers RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA
default_backend server
backend server
# do a monitoring check on backend servers at the following URI
option httpchk /monitor
# add server to the backend pool specifying maximum connections
server 1 check maxconn 40
server 2 check maxconn 20
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