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Created May 20, 2019 16:43
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There are 3 types of branches we care about:

  1. Master - Always working. Only administrators can push to it.
  2. dev - Integration branch. Most of the testing happens here.
  3. dev_FEATURENAME - feature branches. In general these should be local only. Exceptions can be made for backup purposes but the parent repos should never contain a reference to a feature branch.
  • Code commits happen on feature branches
  • Hotfixes can happen anywhere but most likely on dev.
  • dev will be pushed to master for a product launch.

How to create a new feature?

The following is a standard workflow for checkout->branch->work->rebase->Push workflow. It seems like a lot of steps but after a few iterations it will make a lot of sense and should become second nature.

  1. Checkout: Check out the latest dev
  2. Branch: Create a local feature branch dev-featurename. Please do not push this branch. It will make rebasing harder later.
  3. Work: Make as many commits as you need to finish the feature.
  4. Test your feature thoroughly.
  5. Rebase: dev may have advanced in the time you took to create your feature so you need to rebase before you can merge with it.
    1. Checkout dev and pull so your local is up to date
    2. Checkout dev-featurename and rebase on top of local dev. Fix any conflicts or problems.
    3. Checkout dev again and merge with dev-featurename. Merge should be smooth without any commits. If you get a commit. Rollback the merge commit and start over.
  6. Push: Push dev up to master.


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