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Created January 16, 2012 23:39
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logistic, ridge classifier
def logistic_regression(x,
rdg_cons = 1.e-6,
"""Calculates the maximum likelihood estimates of a logistic
regression. Uses the [Newton-Raphson algorithm]
x : numpy array of characteristics. SHAPE: k-by-N, where k
is the number of attributes and N is the number of total
y : numpy array of binary outcome labels SHAPE: N-by-1.
rdg_cons : ridge constant (close to zero)
maxit : max number of iterations
conv_thresh : convergence threshold
[Note that the x and y arrays must be aligned correctly, i.e., the
attributes at index i in the x vector must correspond to the label
at index i in the y vector.]
beta : logistic regression coefficients, with intercept
A : information matrix
L : log-likelihood, which can be used for a chi-squared sig. test
useful auxiliary transforms:
[covariance matrix] covmat = inverse(A)
[standard errors for beta] stderr = sqrt(diag(covmat))
[scaled deviance statistic] deviance = -2L
[chi-squared value for -2L] model chi-squared test."""
if x.shape[-1] != len(y):
raise ValueError, "x and y should be of the same length."
N, npreds = x.shape[1], x.shape[0]
# starting beta vector : no info => all zeros
beta_start = np.zeros(npreds+1,x.dtype)
# add intercept to characteristic vector
X = np.ones((npreds+1,N), x.dtype)
X[1:, :] = x
Xt = np.transpose(X)
# initial values
i = 0
diff = 1.
beta = beta_start
while i < maxit:
beta_old = beta
exp_bx = np.exp(, X))
p = exp_bx/(1.+exp_bx)
# log-likeliehood
log_like = np.sum(y*np.log(p) + (1.-y)*np.log(1.-p))
# scoring function
score =, y-p)
# update the coefficient vector, based on the first- and
# second-order approximations of the likelihood function, as
# well as a correction factor that estimates the first-order
# approximation of the error induced by adding a ridge
# constant that was originally added to ensure that the
# second-order approximation matrix could be inverted.
beta_diff, A = increment_beta(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, rdg_cons)
diff_correction = beta_diff_correction(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, rdg_cons)
beta = beta_old + beta_diff + diff_correction
print beta
# sum of absolute differences
diff = np.sum(np.fabs(beta-beta_old))
if verbose: print 'Iteration: %s: %s, %s' %(i+1, log_like, diff)
# process completed if within the convergence threshold
if diff <= conv_thresh: break
i += 1
if iter == maxit and diff > conv_thresh:
print '\nwarning: convergence not achieved'
return beta, A, log_like
def increment_beta(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, rdg_cons):
"""Calculate the ridge-corrected increment to the coefficient
vector, given the current state of the prediction
A : information matrix,score) : beta adjustment
A =*np.multiply(p,1.-p),Xt) + np.identity(npreds+1)*rdg_cons
return,score), A
def beta_diff_correction(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, rdg_cons):
"""Estimate the first-order (linear) effect of adding the ridge
# gamma is effectively dx in the Taylor approximation
upper = rdg_cons + (rdg_cons/10)
lower = rdg_cons - (rdg_cons/10)
# TODO (dan): refactor functions to calculate f_upper and f_lower,
# noting that this is also used in the body of the logistic equation
f_upper, _ = increment_beta(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, upper)
f_lower, _ = increment_beta(X, Xt, p, score, npreds, lower)
# The vector a is analogous to f(rdg_cons) = a*rdg_cons + b, and
# we are interested in the correction factor that is calculated as
# follows:
# Let v = rdg_cons. Then we originally assume that f(0) = f(v)
# [equivalent to no added constant along the diagnol], which may
# not be correct. A better approximation is f(0) - b, where b =
# f(v) - a*v. Then, correction = f(0) - b = f(v) - f(v) + a*v =
# a*v.
a = (f_upper - f_lower)/(2*(rdg_cons/10))
return a * rdg_cons
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