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Created February 8, 2012 23:09
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logistic, ridge classifier
(ns forma.classify.logistic
(:use [forma.utils]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :only (abs)]
(:require [incanter.core :as i])
(:import [org.jblas FloatMatrix MatrixFunctions Solve DoubleMatrix]))
;; TODO: correct for error induced by ridge
;; Namespace Conventions: Each observation is assigned a binary
;; `label` which indicates deforestation during the training period.
;; These labels are collected for a group of pixels into `label-seq`.
;; Each pixel also has a sequence of features, or `feature-seq`. The
;; pixel is identified by the order its attributes appear in the
;; feature and label sequence. That is, it is vital that the labels
;; and feature sequences are consistently positioned in the label and
;; feature collections.
(defn logistic-fn
"returns the value of the logistic function, given input `x`"
(let [exp-x (Math/exp x)]
(/ exp-x (inc exp-x))))
(defn to-double-matrix
"returns a DoubleMatrix instance for use with jBLAS functions"
(into-array (map double-array mat))))
(defn logistic-prob
"returns the probability of a binary outcome given a parameter
vector `beta-seq` and a feature vector for a given observation"
[beta-seq feature-seq]
(logistic-fn (dot-product beta-seq feature-seq)))
(defn log-likelihood
"returns the log likelihood of a given pixel, conditional on its
label (0-1) and the probability of label equal to 1."
[beta-seq label feature-seq]
(let [prob (logistic-prob beta-seq feature-seq)]
(+ (* label (Math/log prob))
(* (- 1 label) (Math/log (- 1 prob))))))
(defn total-log-likelihood
"returns the total log likelihood for a group of pixels; input
labels and features for the group of pixels, aligned correctly so
that the first label and feature correspond to the first pixel."
[beta-seq label-seq feature-mat]
(reduce + (map (partial log-likelihood beta-seq)
(defn probability-calc
"returns a vector of probabilities for each observation"
[beta-seq feature-mat]
(map (partial logistic-prob beta-seq)
(defn score-seq
"returns the scores for each parameter"
[beta-seq label-seq feature-mat]
(let [prob-seq (probability-calc beta-seq feature-mat)
features (to-double-matrix feature-mat)]
(.mmul (.transpose features)
(map - label-seq prob-seq))))))
(defn info-matrix
"returns the square information matrix for the logistic probability
function; the dimension is given by the number of features"
[beta-seq feature-mat]
(let [mult-func (fn [x] (* x (- 1 x)))
prob-seq (->> (probability-calc beta-seq feature-mat)
(map mult-func))
scale-feat (multiply-rows
(transpose feature-mat))]
(.mmul (to-double-matrix scale-feat)
(to-double-matrix feature-mat))))
(defn beta-update
"returns a vector of updates for the parameter vector; the
ridge-constant is a very small scalar, used to ensure that the
inverted information matrix is non-singular."
[beta-seq label-seq feature-mat rdg-cons]
(let [num-features (count beta-seq)
info-adj (.addi
(info-matrix beta-seq feature-mat)
(.muli (DoubleMatrix/eye (int num-features))
(float rdg-cons)))]
(vec (.toArray
(.mmul (Solve/solve
(DoubleMatrix/eye (int num-features)))
(score-seq beta-seq label-seq feature-mat))))))
(defn logistic-beta-vector
"return the estimated parameter vector; which is used, in turn, to
calculate the estimated probability of the binary label"
[label-seq feature-mat rdg-cons converge-threshold max-iter]
(let [beta-init (repeat (count (first feature-mat)) 0)]
(loop [beta beta-init
iter max-iter
beta-diff 100]
(if (or
(zero? iter)
(< beta-diff converge-threshold))
(let [update (beta-update beta label-seq feature-mat rdg-cons)
beta-new (map + beta update)
diff (reduce + (map (comp abs -) beta beta-new))]
(dec iter)
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