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Last active May 18, 2024 14:44
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Danica Weber | Final Project | Rad Women
trigger StockItemTrigger on Stock_Item__c (before insert, before delete) {
// Before Insert Handling
if (Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isBefore) {
// Call the class in your handler for before insert
// Before Delete Handling
if (Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isBefore) {
// Call the class in your handler for before delete
// A Utility class to process Stock Item records from the Stock Item Handler
public with sharing class StockItemHandler {
// Constructor for the StockItemHandler class
public StockItemHandler() {
// Method to be called before inserting new Stock_Item__c records
public static void OnBeforeInsert(List<Stock_Item__c> newStockItems) {
// Map to hold existing stock items with their names as keys
Map<String, Stock_Item__c> stockItemMap = new Map<String, Stock_Item__c>();
// Set to collect unique item names from new stock items
Set<String> stockItemSet = new Set<String>();
// Loop through new stock items to add their names to the set
for (Stock_Item__c si : newStockItems) {
System.debug(si.Item_Name__c); // Debug log to print the item name
// Query existing stock items that have the same names as new stock items
for (Stock_Item__c s : [SELECT ID, Item_Name__c
FROM Stock_Item__c
WHERE Item_Name__c IN :stockItemSet
LIMIT 20]) {
stockItemMap.put(s.Item_Name__c, s); // Add existing items to the map
// Loop through new stock items to check for duplicates
for (Stock_Item__c dupItems : newStockItems) {
if (stockItemMap.containsKey(dupItems.Item_Name__c)) {
// Append ' * Duplicate Item' to the name of duplicate items
dupItems.Item_Name__c = dupItems.Item_Name__c + ' * Duplicate Item';
// Method to be called before deleting Stock_Item__c records
public static void onBeforeDelete(List<Stock_Item__c> deletedStockItems) {
List<Case> insertCase = new List<Case>(); // List to hold cases to be inserted
String stockOnHand; // Variable to hold stock on hand as a string
// Loop through items to be deleted
for (Stock_Item__c deletedItem : deletedStockItems) {
if (deletedItem.Stock_on_Hand__c != 0) {
// Convert stock on hand to a string
stockOnHand = deletedItem.Stock_on_Hand__c.toPlainString();
// Create a new case for each item with stock on hand
Case c = new Case();
c.Status = 'New';
c.Origin = 'Deleted Stock Item';
c.Subject = 'Delete Stock Item: ' + deletedItem.Item_Name__c;
c.Description = 'Delete Stock ID: ' + deletedItem.Id +
' Item Name: ' + deletedItem.Item_Name__c +
' Stock at hand when deleted: ' + deletedItem.Stock_on_Hand__c;
insertCase.add(c); // Add the case to the list
// Insert cases if there are any in the list
if (insertCase.size() > 0) {
Insert insertCase;
// Method to get stock items with low stock levels
public static List<Stock_Item__c> getLowStockItems() {
// Query stock items where the stock is low
List<Stock_Item__c> lowItems = [SELECT ID,
FROM Stock_Item__c
WHERE Item_Stock_is_Low__c = TRUE];
// Return the list so it can be used in other processes
return lowItems;
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