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Danica Weber Final Project (Draft w Unresolved Errors)
trigger StockItemTrigger on Stock_Item__c (before insert, before delete) {
// Before Insert Handling
if (Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isBefore) {
// Call the class in your handler for before insert
// Before Delete Handling
if (Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isBefore) {
// Call the class in your handler for before delete
public class StockItemHandler_Test {
static void setup() {
// Common setup code if needed for multiple test methods
static void testOnBeforeInsert_NoDuplicateName() {
// Test inserting a Stock_Item__c without a duplicate name
Stock_Item__c stockItem = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Unique Item', Stock_On_Hand__c = 5, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 10);
insert stockItem;
// Verify that the stock item was inserted correctly
Stock_Item__c insertedItem = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Stock_Item__c WHERE Name = 'Unique Item' LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals('Unique Item', insertedItem.Name);
static void testOnBeforeInsert_WithDuplicateName() {
// Create an existing stock item with a specific name
Stock_Item__c existingItem = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Duplicate Item', Stock_On_Hand__c = 5, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 10);
insert existingItem;
// Attempt to insert a new stock item with the same name
Stock_Item__c newItem = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Duplicate Item', Stock_On_Hand__c = 5, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 10);
insert newItem;
// Verify that the new stock item's name was modified
Stock_Item__c insertedNewItem = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Stock_Item__c WHERE Id = :newItem.Id];
System.assertEquals('Duplicate Item Duplicate Item', insertedNewItem.Name);
static void testOnBeforeDelete_StockOnHandNotZero() {
// Create a stock item with non-zero stock on hand
Stock_Item__c stockItem = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Item to Delete', Stock_On_Hand__c = 5, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 10);
insert stockItem;
// Attempt to delete the stock item
try {
delete stockItem;
} catch (DmlException e) {
// Expected exception due to the addError call in the trigger
// Verify that the stock item was not deleted
Stock_Item__c undeletedItem = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Stock_Item__c WHERE Id = :stockItem.Id];
System.assertEquals('Item to Delete', undeletedItem.Name);
// Verify that a case was created
Case createdCase = [SELECT Id, Description FROM Case WHERE Description LIKE '%Item to Delete%' LIMIT 1];
System.assert(createdCase != null);
System.assert(createdCase.Description.contains('Item to Delete'));
static void testGetLowStockItems() {
// Create stock items with varying stock levels
Stock_Item__c lowStockItem1 = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Low Stock Item 1', Stock_On_Hand__c = 3, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 5);
Stock_Item__c lowStockItem2 = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Low Stock Item 2', Stock_On_Hand__c = 1, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 2);
Stock_Item__c sufficientStockItem = new Stock_Item__c(Name = 'Sufficient Stock Item', Stock_On_Hand__c = 10, Minimum_Stock_Level__c = 5);
insert new List<Stock_Item__c> { lowStockItem1, lowStockItem2, sufficientStockItem };
// Query for low stock items using the method
List<Stock_Item__c> lowStockItems = StockItemHandler.getLowStockItems();
// Verify that the correct low stock items are returned
System.assertEquals(2, lowStockItems.size());
Set<String> lowStockItemNames = new Set<String>();
for (Stock_Item__c item : lowStockItems) {
System.assert(lowStockItemNames.contains('Low Stock Item 1'));
System.assert(lowStockItemNames.contains('Low Stock Item 2'));
public class StockItemHandler {
public static void onBeforeInsert(List<Stock_Item__c> newStockItems) {
// Collect the names of the new stock items
Set<String> newNames = new Set<String>();
for (Stock_Item__c stockItem : newStockItems) {
// Query existing stock items with the same names
Map<String, Stock_Item__c> existingStockItems = new Map<String, Stock_Item__c>(
[SELECT Id, Name FROM Stock_Item__c WHERE Name IN :newNames]
// Iterate through new stock items and check for duplicates
for (Stock_Item__c stockItem : newStockItems) {
if (existingStockItems.containsKey(stockItem.Name)) {
// Modify the name to include "Duplicate Item"
stockItem.Name += ' Duplicate Item';
public static void onBeforeDelete(List<Stock_Item__c> oldStockItems) {
List<Case> casesToCreate = new List<Case>();
for (Stock_Item__c stockItem : oldStockItems) {
// Check if stock on hand is not zero
if (stockItem.Stock_On_Hand__c != 0) {
// Create a case to alert someone
Case newCase = new Case(
Subject = 'Stock Item Deletion Alert',
Status = 'New',
Priority = 'High',
Description = 'Stock item "' + stockItem.Name + '" (ID: ' + stockItem.Id + ') is being deleted with ' + stockItem.Stock_On_Hand__c + ' units on hand.'
// Prevent deletion by adding an error
stockItem.addError('Stock on hand must be 0 before deletion.');
// Insert the cases outside of the loop to avoid DML limits
if (!casesToCreate.isEmpty()) {
insert casesToCreate;
public static List<Stock_Item__c> getLowStockItems() {
// Query to get stock items with stock on hand at or below their minimum stock level
List<Stock_Item__c> lowStockItems = [
SELECT Id, Item_Name__c, Item_Stock_is_Low__c, Minimum_Stock_Level__c, Stock_on_Hand__c
FROM Stock_Item__c
WHERE Stock_on_Hand__c <= Minimum_Stock_Level__c
return lowStockItems;
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