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Created May 8, 2011 00:11
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Interpretador Rudimentar
;More information about what this program do at
#lang plai
; Binding type definition
(define-type Binding
[binding (name symbol?) (named-expr WAE?)])
;; WAE type definition
(define-type WAE
[num (n number?)]
[binop (operation symbol?) (lhs WAE?) (rhs WAE?)]
[with (lob (listof Binding?)) (body WAE?)]
[id (name symbol?)])
(define operation-list (list (list '+ +)
(list '- -)
(list '* *)
(list '/ /)
;add new binary operations here!
; binop-lookup: symbol -> procedure
(define (binop-lookup op)
(define (binop-lookup-local op l)
(if (empty? l)
(if (symbol=? op (first (first l)))
(second (first l))
(binop-lookup-local op (rest l)))))
(binop-lookup-local op operation-list))
;test binop-lookup
(test (binop-lookup '+) +)
(test (binop-lookup '-) -)
(test (binop-lookup '*) *)
(test (binop-lookup '/) /)
;; parse : s-exp -> WAE
;; Consumes an s-expression and generates the corresponding WAE
(define (parse sexp)
(define (build-bindings list)
(if (empty? list)
(if (and (list? (first list))
(= 2 (length (first list)))
(symbol? (first (first list))))
(cons (binding (first (first list)) (parse (second (first list))))
(build-bindings (rest list)))
(error 'parse "invalid 'with' expression"))))
[(symbol? sexp) (id sexp)]
[(number? sexp) (num sexp)]
[(list? sexp)
(if (= (length sexp) 3)
(if (binop-lookup (first sexp))
(binop (first sexp)
(parse (second sexp))
(parse (third sexp)))
(case (first sexp)
(if (list? (second sexp))
(with (build-bindings (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))
(error 'parse "invalid 'with' expression"))]
[else (error 'parse "invalid operator: expected + or - or with")]
(error 'parse "this operation must have 2 arguments"))]
[else (error 'parse "invalid expression")]))
;; parse functionality tests
(test (parse '3) (num 3))
(test (parse '{+ 4 5}) (binop '+ (num 4) (num 5)))
(test (parse '{- 4 5}) (binop '- (num 4) (num 5)))
(test (parse '{with {{x 5}} x}) (with (list (binding 'x (num 5))) (id 'x) ))
(test (parse '{with {{x 5}} {+ x 10}}) (with (list (binding 'x (num 5))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 10))))
(test (parse '{with {{x {- 10 8}}} {+ x 5}})
(with (list (binding 'x (binop '- (num 10) (num 8)))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 5))))
(test (parse '{with {{x 7}} {with {{y x}} y}})
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (with (list (binding 'y (id 'x))) (id 'y))))
(test (parse '{with {{x 7} {y 5}} {* x y}})
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 5))) (binop '* (id 'x) (id 'y))))
(test (parse '{with {{x {with {{y 5}} y}}} x})
(with (list (binding 'x (with (list (binding 'y (num 5))) (id 'y)))) (id 'x)))
;; parse error messages test
(test/exn (parse '{g 1 2}) "invalid operator: expected + or - or with")
(test/exn (parse '{+ 1 2 3}) "this operation must have 2 arguments")
(test/exn (parse (id 'x)) "invalid expression")
(test/exn (parse '{with 1 2}) "invalid 'with' expression")
(test/exn (parse '{with {x 2 4} 4}) "invalid 'with' expression")
(test/exn (parse '{with {{4 2}} 4}) "invalid 'with' expression")
;; subst : WAE symbol WAE -> WAE
(define (subst expr sub-id val)
(define (have-binding id binding-list)
(if (empty? binding-list)
(or (symbol=? (binding-name (first binding-list)) sub-id)
(have-binding id (rest binding-list)))))
(define (subst-binding b sub-id val)
(binding (binding-name b) (subst (binding-named-expr b) sub-id val)))
(define (subst-bindings binding-list sub-id val)
(if (empty? binding-list)
(cons (subst-binding (first binding-list) sub-id val) (subst-bindings (rest binding-list) sub-id val))))
(type-case WAE expr
[num (n) expr]
[binop (op l r) (binop op (subst l sub-id val)
(subst r sub-id val))]
[with (binding-list bound-body)
(if (have-binding sub-id binding-list)
(with (subst-bindings binding-list sub-id val)
(with (subst-bindings binding-list sub-id val)
(subst bound-body sub-id val)))]
[id (v) (if (symbol=? v sub-id) val expr)]))
;; subst tests
(test (subst (num 9) 'x (num 7)) (num 9))
(test (subst (id 'x) 'x (num 9)) (num 9))
(test (subst (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'y)) 'y (num 7)) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 7)))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (binop '+ (id 'y) (id 'x))) 'y (num 5))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (binop '+ (num 5) (id 'x))))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (binop '+ (id 'y) (id 'x))) 'x (num 5))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (binop '+ (id 'y) (id 'x))))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (id 'y))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 5))) 'y (num 7))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 5))))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'z))) 'z (num 4))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (num 4))))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'y))) 'y (num 4))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'y))))
(test (subst (with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'z))) 'y (num 4))
(with (list (binding 'x (num 7)) (binding 'y (num 9))) (binop '+ (id 'x) (id 'z))))
;; interp : WAE -> number
;; Consumes a WAE representation of an expression and computes
;; the corresponding numerical result
(define (interp expr)
(define (subst-bindings binding-list bound-body binded)
(if (empty? binding-list)
(if (memq (binding-name (first binding-list)) binded) ;usei a funcao memq, pois é trivial achar um elemento numa lista
(error "duplicated binding")
(subst-bindings (rest binding-list)
(subst bound-body (binding-name (first binding-list))
(binding-named-expr (first binding-list)))
(cons (binding-name (first binding-list)) binded)))))
(type-case WAE expr
[num (n) n]
[binop (op l r)
(let [(right (interp r))]
(if (and (symbol=? op '/) (= right 0))
(error "division by zero")
((binop-lookup op) (interp l) right)))]
[with (binding-list bound-body)
(interp (subst-bindings binding-list bound-body '()))]
[id (v) (error 'interp "free identifier")]
(test (interp (parse '3)) 3)
(test (interp (parse '{+ 3 4})) 7)
(test (interp (parse '{+ {- 3 4} 7} )) 6)
(test (interp (parse '{/ {* 6 2} 3} )) 4)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x 7}} {+ x 7}})) 14)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x {with {{y 5}} {* 2 y}}}} {+ x 1}})) 11)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x 5}} {with {{y {+ x 2}}} {* 2 y}}})) 14)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x 8} {y 9}} {+ x y}})) 17)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x 8} {y 9}} {+ x y}})) 17)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x {+ 5 5}}} {with {{y {- x 3}}} {+ y y}}})) 14)
(test (interp (parse '{with {{x 4} {y 2}} {with {{z {/ x y}}} {+ x z}}})) 6)
;interpreter exceptions
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x 2}} y})) "free identifier")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x {+ 2 x}}} {+ x 7}})) "free identifier")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x {+ 2 x}}} {+ x 7}})) "free identifier")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x {+ 2 x}}} {+ x 7}})) "free identifier")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{/ 2 {- 1 1}})) "division by zero")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x 2} {x 3}}{+ x 2}})) "duplicated binding")
(test/exn (interp (parse '{with {{x 2} {y 3} {z 6} {x 7}} {+ x 2}})) "duplicated binding")
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