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Created December 30, 2012 16:26
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
-- uses packages: comonad-transformers,streams,MonadRandom
import Prelude hiding (iterate,tail,repeat,sequence,take,zip,unzip)
import Data.Stream.Infinite (Stream ((:>)),iterate,tail,repeat,take,zip,unzip,unfold)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..), sequence)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class (lower)
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Env (EnvT(..),ask)
import System.Random (StdGen,mkStdGen)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Random.Class
-- Inspired by
-- and
-- Streams are used instead of lists to ensure that the universe is infinite
-- in both directions.
data U x = U (Stream x) x (Stream x) deriving (Functor,Foldable)
-- The default instance of Traversable generated by DeriveTraversable wasn't working
-- well with MonadRandom, because U contains infinite structures. If I used the default
-- "sequence" function to transform a U (Rand StdGen Bool) into a Rand StdGen (U Bool),
-- the subsequent call to evalRand would hang.
-- I had to resort to this trick of traversing the left and right streams jointly as
-- a "zip stream" and unzipping them afterwards.
-- Is there a standard, generally accepted way of dealing with these situations?
instance Traversable U where
traverse f (U lstream focus rstream) =
let pairs = liftA unzip . sequenceA . fmap (traversepair f) $ zip lstream rstream
traversepair f (a,b) = (,) <$> f a <*> f b
rebuild c (u,v) = U u c v
in rebuild <$> f focus <*> pairs
right (U a b (c:>cs)) = U (b:>a) c cs
left (U (a:>as) b c) = U as a (b:>c)
instance Comonad U where
extract (U _ b _) = b
duplicate a = U (tail $ iterate left a) a (tail $ iterate right a)
type Probs = (Float,Float,Float,Float)
localRule :: EnvT Probs U Bool -> Rand StdGen Bool
localRule ca =
let (tt,tf,ft,ff) = ask ca
black prob = (<prob) <$> getRandomR (0,1)
in case lower ca of
U (True:>_) _ (True:>_) -> black tt
U (True:>_) _ (False:>_) -> black tf
U (False:>_) _ (True:>_) -> black ft
U (False:>_) _ (False:>_) -> black ff
-- Advances the cellular automata by one iteration, and returns a result
-- wrapped in the Rand monad, which can be later evaluated with evalRand.
-- Note the use of "sequence" to aggregate the random effects of each
-- individual cell.
evolve :: EnvT Probs U Bool -> Rand StdGen (EnvT Probs U Bool)
evolve ca = sequence $ extend localRule ca
-- Returns an infinite stream with all the succesive states of the cellular automata.
history :: StdGen -> EnvT Probs U Bool -> Stream (EnvT Probs U Bool)
history seed initialca =
-- We need to split the generator because we are lazily evaluating
-- an infinite random structure. The updated generator never "comes out"!
-- If we changed runRand for evalRand and tried to reuse the
-- updated generator for the next iteration, the call would hang.
let unfoldf (ca,seed) =
let (seed',seed'') = runRand getSplit seed
nextca = evalRand (evolve ca) seed'
in (nextca,(nextca,seed''))
in unfold unfoldf (initialca,seed)
showca :: Int -> U Bool -> String
showca margin ca =
let char b = if b then '#' else '_'
U left center right = fmap char ca
in (reverse $ take margin left) ++ [center] ++ (take margin right)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let probs = (0.0,0.6,0.7,0.0)
initialca = EnvT probs $ U (repeat False) True (repeat False)
seed = 77
iterations = 10
margin = 8
sequence . fmap (putStrLn . showca margin . lower)
. take iterations
. history (mkStdGen seed)
$ initialca
return ()
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