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Last active April 3, 2021 12:59
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Getting fields from the "union" of two records. Inspired by section 3.1 or Hiromi Ishii's "Witness Me" functional pearl.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Getting fields from the "union" of two records.
-- Inspired by section 3.1 or Hiromi Ishii's "Witness Me — Constructive
-- Arguments Must Be Guided with Concrete Witness" functional pearl.
module Main where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Generics (C1, D1, K1 (..), M1 (..), Rec0 (..), S1 (..))
import GHC.Generics qualified as G
import GHC.Records
import GHC.TypeLits
-- Structure of this file
-- - A type-level map with related type-level functions.
-- - Generics machinery for getting the type-level map of conventional records.
-- - The helper "record union" datatype and its HasField instance.
-- - An actual example.
-- A type-level binary search tree. The tree is unbalanced.
data Map symbol q
= E
| N (Map symbol q) symbol q (Map symbol q)
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Insert :: Symbol -> q -> Map Symbol q -> Map Symbol q
type family Insert k v t where
Insert k v E = N E k v E
Insert k v (N left k' v' right) = Insert' (CmpSymbol k k') k v left k' v' right
type Insert' :: Ordering -> Symbol -> q -> Map Symbol q -> Symbol -> q -> Map Symbol q -> Map Symbol q
type family Insert' ordering k v left k' v' right where
Insert' EQ k v left k' v' right = N left k v right -- overwrite
Insert' LT k v left k' v' right = N (Insert k v left) k' v' right
Insert' GT k v left k' v' right = N left k' v' (Insert k v right)
-- If a key exists in two maps, the value of the first map wins.
type Combine :: Map Symbol q -> Map Symbol q -> Map Symbol q
type family Combine twinner tloser where
Combine E tloser = tloser
Combine (N left k v right) tloser =
Combine right (Insert k v (Combine left tloser))
type Find :: Symbol -> Map Symbol q -> q
type family Find k t where
Find k E = TypeError (Text "The type " :<>: ShowType k :<>: Text " is not present in the record.")
Find k (N left k' v' right) = Find' (CmpSymbol k k') k left v' right
type Find' :: Ordering -> Symbol -> Map Symbol q -> q -> Map Symbol q -> q
type family Find' ordering k left v right where
Find' EQ _ _ v' _ = v'
Find' LT k left _ _ = Find k left
Find' GT k _ _ right = Find k right
-- Make all the "values" in the type level map equal to some argument "value".
type Overwrite :: q -> Map symbol z -> Map symbol q
type family Overwrite q t where
Overwrite _ E = E
Overwrite v (N left k' v' right) = N (Overwrite v left) k' v (Overwrite v right)
-- Helper machinery to get the type-level map of fields from a record, using generics.
type RecordCode :: Type -> Map Symbol Type
type family RecordCode r where
RecordCode r = RecordCode' E (G.Rep r)
class ToRecord' (start :: Map Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) where
type RecordCode' start g :: Map Symbol Type
instance ToRecord' E fields => ToRecord' E (D1 meta (C1 metacons fields)) where
type RecordCode' E (D1 meta (C1 metacons fields)) = RecordCode' E fields
( S1
( 'G.MetaSel
( 'Just k)
(Rec0 v)
( S1
( 'G.MetaSel
( 'Just k)
(Rec0 v)
) =
Insert k v start
( ToRecord' start t2,
RecordCode' start t2 ~ middle,
ToRecord' middle t1
) =>
ToRecord' start (t1 G.:*: t2)
type RecordCode' start (t1 G.:*: t2) = RecordCode' (RecordCode' start t2) t1
-- The "record union" helper datatype and its HasField instance.
data RU r1 r2 = RU r1 r2 deriving (Show)
-- Should we search for a field in the first record, or in the second?
data Location
= InFirst
| InSecond
-- A version of HasField with an extra "where to search" parameter.
type UnionHasField :: Location -> Symbol -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
class UnionHasField location x r a | location x r -> a where
getFieldU :: r -> a
instance HasField k r1 a => UnionHasField InFirst k (RU r1 r2) a where
getFieldU (RU r1 _) = getField @k r1
instance HasField k r2 a => UnionHasField InSecond k (RU r1 r2) a where
getFieldU (RU _ r2) = getField @k r2
-- The union of two records has a field when the type level map from field names from "where to search" has the field.
(loc ~ Find k (Overwrite InFirst (RecordCode r1) `Combine` (Overwrite InSecond (RecordCode r2))),
UnionHasField loc k (RU r1 r2) a)
HasField k (RU r1 r2) a
getField r = getFieldU @loc @k r
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Int} deriving (Show, G.Generic)
data Address = Address {street :: String, number :: Int} deriving (Show, G.Generic)
personAddress = RU (Person "John" 50) (Address "Rue del Percebe" 2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ getField @"name" personAddress
print $ getField @"age" personAddress
print $ getField @"street" personAddress
print $ getField @"number" personAddress
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