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Last active December 26, 2018 00:46
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A type-level symbol set.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
module Main where
import GHC.TypeLits
data Set a = Nope
| Node (Set a) a (Set a)
type family Insert (m :: Set Symbol) (v :: Symbol) :: Set Symbol where
Insert Nope v = Node Nope v Nope
Insert (Node left val right) v = InsertAux (CmpSymbol val v) left val right v
type family InsertAux (o :: Ordering) (left :: Set Symbol) (val :: Symbol) (right :: Set Symbol) (v :: Symbol) :: Set Symbol where
InsertAux EQ left val right _ = Node left val right
InsertAux LT left val right v = Node left val (Insert right v)
InsertAux GT left val right v = Node (Insert left v) val right
type family MkSymbolSetAux (ns :: [Symbol]) (m :: Set Symbol) :: Set Symbol where
MkSymbolSetAux '[] acc = acc
MkSymbolSetAux (x ': xs) acc = Insert (MkSymbolSetAux xs acc) x
type family MkSymbolSet (ns :: [Symbol]) :: Set Symbol where
MkSymbolSet ns = MkSymbolSetAux ns Nope
type family Present (m :: Set Symbol) (v :: Symbol) :: Bool where
Present Nope _ = False
Present (Node left val right) v = PresentAux (CmpSymbol val v) left right v
type family PresentAux (o :: Ordering) (left :: Set Symbol) (right :: Set Symbol) (v :: Symbol) :: Bool where
PresentAux EQ _ _ _ = True
PresentAux LT _ right v = Present right v
PresentAux GT left _ v = Present left v
-- *Main> type Setty = MkSymbolSet ["foo","bar","baz"]
-- *Main> :kind! Setty
-- *Main> :kind! Present Setty "whoopey"
-- Present Setty "whoopey" :: Bool
-- = 'False
-- *Main> :kind! Present Setty "foo"
-- Present Setty "foo" :: Bool
-- = 'True
main :: IO ()
main = do
return ()
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