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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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sealed abstract class BinaryTreeNode[+T] {
def value: T
def left: BinaryTreeNode[T]
def right: BinaryTreeNode[T]
def insert[U >: T <% Ordered[U]](x: U): BinaryTreeNode[U]
def isEnd: Boolean
case class BSTNode[+T](
value: T,
left: BinaryTreeNode[T],
right: BinaryTreeNode[T]
) extends BinaryTreeNode[T] {
def insert[U >: T <% Ordered[U]](elem: U): BinaryTreeNode[U] = {
if (elem < value) {
BSTNode(value, left.insert(elem), right)
} else {
BSTNode(value, left, right.insert(elem))
override def toString = "T(" + value.toString + " " + left.toString + " " + right.toString + ")"
val isEnd = false
object BinaryTreeNode {
def inOrder[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T]): List[T] = node match {
case BSTEnd => Nil
case BSTNode(value, left, right) =>
inOrder(left) ::: List(node.value) ::: inOrder(right)
def preOrder[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T]): List[T] = node match {
case BSTEnd => Nil
case BSTNode(value, left, right) =>
node.value :: preOrder(left) ::: preOrder(right)
def postOrder[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T]): List[T] = node match {
case BSTEnd => Nil
case BSTNode(value, left, right) =>
postOrder(left) ::: postOrder(right) ::: List(node.value)
def breadthFirst[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T]): List[T] = {
val queue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[BinaryTreeNode[T]](node)
var items = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[T]()
while(!queue.isEmpty) {
val nextNode = queue.dequeue()
if (!nextNode.isEnd) {
items += nextNode.value
queue.enqueue(nextNode.left, nextNode.right)
def bfsForeach[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T])(f: (T, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
val queue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[(BinaryTreeNode[T], Int)]((node, 0))
while(!queue.isEmpty) {
val (nextNode, level) = queue.dequeue()
if (!nextNode.isEnd) {
f(nextNode.value, level)
queue.enqueue((nextNode.left, level+1), (nextNode.right, level+1))
def depthFirst[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T]): List[T] = {
val stack = scala.collection.mutable.Stack[BinaryTreeNode[T]](node)
var items = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[T]()
while(!stack.isEmpty) {
val nextNode = stack.pop()
if (!nextNode.isEnd) {
items += nextNode.value
stack.push(nextNode.left, nextNode.right)
def dfsForeach[T](node: BinaryTreeNode[T])(f: (T, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
val stack = scala.collection.mutable.Stack[(BinaryTreeNode[T], Int)]((node, 0))
while(!stack.isEmpty) {
val (nextNode, level) = stack.pop()
if (!nextNode.isEnd) {
f(nextNode.value, level)
stack.push((nextNode.left, level+1), (nextNode.right, level+1))
def fromList[U <% Ordered[U]](items: List[U]): BinaryTreeNode[U] = {
var bst: BinaryTreeNode[U] = BSTEnd
items foreach { item =>
bst = bst.insert(item)
case object BSTEnd extends BinaryTreeNode[Nothing] {
override def toString = "."
def insert[U <% Ordered[U]](x: U) = BSTNode(x, BSTEnd, BSTEnd)
def value = throw new Exception("no value for an empty node")
def left = throw new Exception("no left tree for an empty node")
def right = throw new Exception("no right tree for an empty node")
val isEnd = true
val node = BinaryTreeNode.fromList(List(5,4,6,3,7,2,8,1,9,10,0))
val balanced = BinaryTreeNode.fromList(List(5,3,1,2,7,4,10))
var lastLevel = -1
BinaryTreeNode.bfsForeach(node) { (elem, level) =>
if (level > lastLevel) {
lastLevel = level
print(elem+" ");
var lastLevel = -1
BinaryTreeNode.bfsForeach(balanced) { (elem, level) =>
if (level > lastLevel) {
lastLevel = level
print(elem+" ");
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