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Created April 27, 2020 16:01
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Converts PowerShell PoshNmap JSON output into a pipeline-enabled one with some other improvements
function ConvertTo-ScanResult {
# Parse an output of PoshNmap by @JustinGrote
# Author: Daniel Ferreira (@daniel0x00)
# License: BSD 3-Clause
Parse and improve the JSON output of PoshNmap.
Invoke-Nmap -OutFormat JSON -ArgumentList '--top-ports=10' | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-ScanResult -ScannerLocation internet-australia | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
.PARAMETER ScannerLocation
String. Represents the location of the scanner. It will be included in the output JSON.
Default: internet
.PARAMETER ScannerHostname
String. Represents the name of the scanner. It will be included in the output JSON.
Default: $env:COMPUTERNAME
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[PSCustomObject] $InputObject,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $ScannerLocation='internet',
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $ScannerHostname=$env:COMPUTERNAME
process {
# Prepare the array of results.
# Check if array is null, so there were no hosts up. Force results to output rest of metadata:
$ScanResults = $
$ScanResultsCount = $ScanResults.Length
if ($null -eq $ScanResults) { $ScanResults = 1 }
# Make global data of the scan request available 'per output record':
$ScanInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
info = $InputObject.nmaprun.scaninfo
command = $InputObject.nmaprun.args
target = [string](([regex]::Match($InputObject.nmaprun.args,'\s(?<target>[\d\-\./]+).?$')).groups['target'].value)
results = $ScanResultsCount
scanner = [PSCustomObject]@{
hostname = $ScannerHostname
location = $ScannerLocation
# Output:
$ScanResults | ForEach-Object {
# Build summary:
$Summary = [PSCustomObject]@{
tcp = [PSCustomObject]@{
open = ($_.ports.port.foreach({$_.where({$_.protocol -eq 'tcp' -and $_.state.state -eq 'open'})})).portid -join '/'
closed = ($_.ports.port.foreach({$_.where({$_.protocol -eq 'tcp' -and $_.state.state -notmatch 'open'})})).portid -join '/'
udp = [PSCustomObject]@{
open = ($_.ports.port.foreach({$_.where({$_.protocol -eq 'udp' -and $_.state.state -eq 'open'})})).portid -join '/'
closed = ($_.ports.port.foreach({$_.where({$_.protocol -eq 'udp' -and $_.state.state -notmatch 'open'})})).portid -join '/'
# Output:
$_ | Select-Object *, @{n='scan';e={$ScanInfo}}, @{n='summary';e={$Summary}}
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