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Last active July 28, 2021 07:19
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PowerShell Azure Function that takes an array object as input and outputs a JSON array with multiple chunks of Splunk-HEC compliant objects.
using namespace System.Net
param($Request, $TriggerMetadata)
# PowerShell serverless Function that receives a HTTP POST payload and converts it to a Splunk HEC grouped payload, optionally adding selected DotNotation properties.
# Author: Daniel Ferreira (@daniel0x00)
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# Source:
# Use-case: use this Azure Function to convert bulk JSON input coming from 3rd party integrations to Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) compliant payloads.
# Useful to be used in conjuction with Azure Logic Apps / Azure Functions / AWS Lambda / Google Functions as an integration pipeline for Cloud-native data. `
# E.g. data coming from Azure Event Hubs streaming, Cloud asset inventory from AWS/Google/Azure, from ServiceNow asset inventory, etc.
# Note the 'DotNotation' functionality will add a 'dotnotation' object to the original JSON payload that you'll be able to `
# use with TERM() and PREFIX() Splunk's directives for easy and powerful searches and direct usage of |tstats command.
# You can also output only the 'dotnotation' property to save Splunk license. This is only recommended for data you aim to use only with |tstats.
### Input HTTP POST Body schema:
# {
# "InputObject": [<object>,<object>], --> input array object.
# "IndexValue": "<string>", --> static value for 'index' field.
# "SourcetypeValue": "<string>", --> static value for 'sourcetype' field.
# "SourceRegexValue": "<string>", --> regex to fill 'source' field. E.g: \"resourceId\":\\s?\"(?<source>[\\w\\-\\.]+)\"
# "HostRegexValue": "<string>", --> regex to fill 'host' field. E.g: \"callerIpAddress\":\\s?\"(?<host>[\\w\\-\\.\\:]+)\"
# "TimeRegexValue": "<string>", --> regex to fill 'time' field. E.g: \"time\":\\s?\"(?<time>[\\w\\-\\.\\:]+)\". If EnableTimeExtraction=false, leave this value as empty string.
# "EnableTimeExtraction": false, --> Indicates if time field is expected. If 'true', the regex seen on 'TimeRegexValue' will be applied to capture the time. If 'false', the UTC time will be used.
# "OutputArrayChunks": 1000, --> Indicates how many events will be grouped in chunks by the output object.
# "DotNotation": true, --> Indicates if function will add 'dotnotation' property
# "DotNotationOnly": false, --> Indicates if function will return only 'dotnotation' properties.
# "DotNotationExpandProperty": "<string>", --> Indicates if function will expand only this property for the 'dotnotation' object. Only accepts 1 field. E.g. "*" for all or "<string>" for specific one. Use '*' by default.
# "DotNotationDesiredProperties": false, --> Indicates if function will return only certain 'dotnotation' properties instead of all properties.
# "DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList": "<string>,<string>" --> Indicates which 'dotnotation' properties will be returned. Note you cannot use spaces between the comma separator.
# }
### Output JSON schema
### Note: To forward to Splunk HEC, you must loop for each of the chunks and merge child objects together using `\n` character.
### This means that Splunk expects to receive a non-compliant JSON payload. This is Ok.
### To concatenate chunk's objects in Azure Logic Apps, use the following helper: @join(items('For_each'),'\n')
# {
# "items": {
# "items": {
# "properties": {
# "event": {
# "properties": {},
# "type": "object"
# },
# "host": {
# "type": "string"
# },
# "index": {
# "type": "string"
# },
# "source": {
# "type": "string"
# },
# "sourcetype": {
# "type": "string"
# },
# "time": {
# "type": "integer"
# }
# },
# "required": [
# "event",
# "index",
# "sourcetype",
# "source",
# "host",
# "time"
# ],
# "type": "object"
# },
# "type": "array"
# },
# "type": "array"
# }
# ConvertTo-DotNotation:
function ConvertTo-DotNotation {
# PowerShell cmdlet that converts a PowerShell/JSON object into a dot.notation array.
# For Splunk use cases, this cmdlet enables data to be TERM() and PREFIX() ready.
# Author: Daniel Ferreira (@daniel0x00)
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# Source:
# Note: any improvement opportunity to make this function "a 1-liner" producing same results is very welcomed.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[PSCustomObject] $InputObject,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $Parent=''
begin { $name = ''; }
process {
foreach ($item in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) {
$name += "$Parent$($item.Name)"
# Match everything but objects
if (($item.TypeNameOfValue -notmatch 'Object') -and ($item.TypeNameOfValue -notmatch 'Microsoft.PowerShell') -and ($item.TypeNameOfValue -notmatch 'Selected.System')) {
# Match string array:
if ($item.TypeNameOfValue -match 'String\[\]$') {
# Output:
if ($item.Value.Length -eq 1) {
"{0}={1}" -f $name, $item.Value[0] #-replace ' ','__' -replace ',','___'
$name = ''
else {
for ($x=0; $x -lt $item.Value.Length; $x++) {
"{0}={1}" -f "$name.$($x+1)", $item.Value[$x] #-replace ' ','__' -replace ',','___'
$name = ''
# Match any other type of object that can be converted into text:
else {
# Output:
"{0}={1}" -f $name, $item.Value #-replace ' ','__' -replace ',','___'
$name = ''
# Match null values:
elseif (($null -eq $item.Value) -or ($item.Value.Count -eq 0)) {
# Output:
"{0}=null" -f $name
$name = ''
# Match array:
elseif ($item.TypeNameOfValue -match 'Object\[\]') {
# Output:
$objectType = $item.Value[0].GetType()
if ($objectType -match 'Object') {
$Parent = $name
for ($x=0; $x -lt $item.Value.Length; $x++) {
#$name = "$Parent.$($x+1)."
#$child = $item.Value[$x]
ConvertTo-DotNotation -Input ($item.Value[$x]) -Parent ("$Parent.$($x+1).")
$Parent = $Parent -replace '\.\w+$','.' -replace ($name -replace '\.[\d]+\.',''),''
$name = ''
else {
if ($item.Value.Length -eq 1) {
"{0}={1}" -f $name, $item.Value[0] #-replace ' ','__' -replace ',','___'
$name = ''
else {
for ($x=0; $x -lt $item.Value.Length; $x++) {
"{0}={1}" -f "$name.$($x+1)", $item.Value[$x] #-replace ' ','__' -replace ',','___'
$name = ''
# Match objects:
else {
ConvertTo-DotNotation -Input $item.Value -Parent "$name."
$name = ''
# Return:
$StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
# Set output vars:
$OutputList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
$Output = [string]::empty
try {
# Parse input:
$InputObject = $Request.Body.InputObject
$IndexValue = $Request.Body.IndexValue
$SourcetypeValue = $Request.Body.SourcetypeValue
$SourceRegexValue = $Request.Body.SourceRegexValue
$HostRegexValue = $Request.Body.HostRegexValue
$TimeRegexValue = $Request.Body.HostRegexValue
$OutputArrayChunks = $Request.Body.OutputArrayChunks
$EnableTimeExtraction = $Request.Body.EnableTimeExtraction ?? $false
$DotNotation = $Request.Body.DotNotation ?? $false
$DotNotationOnly = $Request.Body.DotNotationOnly ?? $false
$DotNotationExpandProperty = $Request.Body.DotNotationExpandProperty ?? "*"
$DotNotationDesiredProperties = $Request.Body.DotNotationDesiredProperties ?? $false
$DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList = $Request.Body.DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList ?? "*"
# Const:
$JSONDepth = 10
## Output:
# Output the array in JSON format sliced in chunks
# The intention of this output format is for upstream systems to group, split or distribute the JSON array in the most convenient way.
# E.g. On an 10.000 rows input, divide the output into 10 outputs of 1000 rows each and send to Splunk HEC each grouped payload with 5 segs difference in between them.
$OutputArray = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
# Group output
$counter = [pscustomobject] @{ Value = 0 }
# Time value:
$Time = ([int](New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date '01/01/1970') -End (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalSeconds)
$GroupedOutput = $InputObject.ForEach({
$Event = [PSCustomObject]$_
# Add 'dotnotation' property:
if ($DotNotation) {
if ($DotNotationOnly) {
# Check if only a property is desired to be expanded for dotnotation:
if ($DotNotationExpandProperty -eq '*') {
# Check if only desired dotnotation properties are needed:
if ($DotNotationDesiredProperties) { $Event = $Event | Select-Object @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | Select-Object -Property ($DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList -split ',') | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else { $Event = $Event | Select-Object @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else {
# Check if only desired dotnotation properties are needed:
if ($DotNotationDesiredProperties) { $Event = $Event | Select-Object @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $DotNotationExpandProperty | Select-Object -Property ($DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList -split ',') | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else { $Event = $Event | Select-Object @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else {
# Check if only a property is desired to be expanded for dotnotation:
if ($DotNotationExpandProperty -eq '*') {
# Check if only desired dotnotation properties are needed:
if ($DotNotationDesiredProperties) { $Event = $Event | Select-Object *, @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | Select-Object -Property ($DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList -split ',') | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else { $Event = $Event | Select-Object *, @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else {
# Check if only desired dotnotation properties are needed:
if ($DotNotationDesiredProperties) { $Event = $Event | Select-Object *, @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $DotNotationExpandProperty | Select-Object -Property ($DotNotationDesiredPropertiesList -split ',') | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
else { $Event = $Event | Select-Object *, @{n='dotnotation';e={$_ | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress -Depth $JSONDepth | ConvertFrom-JSON | ConvertTo-DotNotation}} }
## Save raw event in JSON to be able to apply regex:
$rawEvent = $Event | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty properties,resources | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth $JSONDepth -Compress
# New values of 'source', 'host' and 'time':
$SourceValueOverwritten = [string]([regex]::Match($rawEvent,$SourceRegexValue).groups['source'].value).ToLower()
$HostValueOverwritten = [string]([regex]::Match($rawEvent,$HostRegexValue).groups['host'].value).ToLower()
if ($EnableTimeExtraction) { $Time = [int](New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date '01/01/1970') -End (Get-Date ([string](([regex]::Match($rawEvent,$TimeRegexValue)).groups['time'].value))).ToUniversalTime()).TotalSeconds }
event = $Event;
index = $IndexValue;
sourcetype = $SourcetypeValue;
source = $SourceValueOverwritten;
host = $HostValueOverwritten;
time = $Time;
}) | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $OutputArrayChunks) }
# Build output array:
foreach ($item in $GroupedOutput) { $null = $OutputArray.Add($ }
$Output = $OutputArray | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $JSONDepth -AsArray -Compress
catch {
Write-Verbose "Catch triggered: $_" -Verbose
$StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::InternalServerError
finally {
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
ContentType = 'application/json'
StatusCode = $StatusCode
Body = $Output
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