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Last active December 27, 2020 09:35
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Process async requests: receives a command-line payload to execute and when it finishes, sends a HTTP callback.
function Process-AsyncRequest {
# Receives a command-line payload to execute and when it finishes, sends a HTTP callback.
# Use-case: use with Azure Functions with connection to a Hybrid Connection. By installing this function on a server using HCM,
# we can pass code to the machines and get back JSON data at bulk.
# Callback-URL can be a URL generated by Azure Logic Apps 'HTTP + Webhook' action.
# Author: Daniel Ferreira (@daniel0x00)
# License: BSD 3-Clause
Receives a JSON schema with a command-line to be executed and a webhook to push results when command-line is completed.
'{"commandline":"<command_line>", "sourcetype":"<sourcetype>", "callback":"<webhook_url>"}' | Process-AsyncRequest
String. Mandatory. Pipeline enabled.
The input JSON string. Valid schema:
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string] $InputObject,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $StageStorageAccountName='AzStorageAccountName', # AzStorage Account name. Must be created upfront or passed-by.
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $StageStorageContainerName='container', # AzStorage container name. Must be created upfront.
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $StageStorageSAS='<sas_token>', #e.g: ?sv=2019-12-12&ss=bfqt&srt=o&sp=wac&se=2030-08-05T17:52:25Z&st=2020-08-05T09:52:25Z&spr=https&sig=<token>
[Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[string] $OutputLogPath='C:\temp\' #TODO: check existance of this path.
# Received timestamp:
$ReceivedAt = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
$LogOutputFile = $OutputLogPath + $ReceivedAt + '_AsyncRequest.txt'
# Set vars:
$OutputStageStorage = @()
$ParsedInput = $InputObject | ConvertFrom-Json
$CommandLine = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($ParsedInput.commandline))
$SourceType = $ParsedInput.sourcetype
$CallbackURL = $ParsedInput.callback
# Main try.
# This try/catch prevents the process to fail without notifying the upstream orchestration
try {
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
"[$LogTimestamp] Execution started. " + [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
'Input object: ' + [Environment]::NewLine + $InputObject + [Environment]::NewLine + [Environment]::NewLine + 'CommandLine: ' + [Environment]::NewLine + $CommandLine + [Environment]::NewLine + [Environment]::NewLine + 'CallbackURL: ' + [Environment]::NewLine + $CallbackURL + [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
# Stopwatch:
$StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# Execute the given command:
# $OutputExpression = Invoke-Expression -Command $CommandLine -ErrorAction Stop
# Log:
# $LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
#"[$LogTimestamp] Expression invoked." | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
# Execute the command and break the output into files:
$ContentOutputFile = [string]::Concat($OutputLogPath,$ReceivedAt,'_AsyncRequestContent')
$ContentOutputFileCounter = 0;
Invoke-Expression -Command $CommandLine -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
$Filename = [string]::concat($ContentOutputFile,'_',$ContentOutputFileCounter,'.json')
# Log:
# $LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
#"[$LogTimestamp] Writting file #$ContentOutputFileCounter to disk: $Filename" | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
$_ | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 99 | Out-File -FilePath $Filename -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
"[$LogTimestamp] Expression invoked." | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
# Grouping of file contents to reduce AzStorage Throttling risk.
# In the meantime, must use 'chunk' custom function to group output objects before calling Process-AsyncRequest function.
# Create context to AzStorage:
$AzStorageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StageStorageAccountName -SasToken $StageStorageSAS
# Upload files into Azure Storage:
$ContentOutputFileUploadCounter = 0;
$ContentOutputFileCount = (Get-Item "$ContentOutputFile*" | Select-Object FullName, Name | Measure-Object).Count
# Log how many files will be processed:
"[$LogTimestamp] AsyncRequestContent to upload to AzStorage: $ContentOutputFileCount" | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
$AzStorageThrottlingSeconds = 3;
$FileSizes = @()
Get-Item "$ContentOutputFile*" | Select-Object FullName, Name | ForEach-Object {
$FullName = $_.FullName
$Name = $SourceType + '/' + $_.Name -replace '-','/' -replace ' ','/'
$FileSize = (Get-Item -Path $FullName).Length
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
if ($FileSize -le 200) { "[$LogTimestamp] Skipping file - too small: $Name" | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append }
# Upload files to AzStorage:
if ($FileSize -gt 200) {
$FileSizes += $FileSize
# Throttling delayer:
if (($ContentOutputFileUploadCounter % 8) -eq 0) {
"[$LogTimestamp] Throttling file #$ContentOutputFileUploadCounter for $AzStorageThrottlingSeconds seconds to upload next file --> $Name" | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
Start-Sleep -Seconds $AzStorageThrottlingSeconds
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
"[$LogTimestamp] Uploading file #$ContentOutputFileUploadCounter --> $Name" | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
# Upload:
try { $OutputStageStorage += Set-AzStorageBlobContent -Context $AzStorageContext -File $FullName -Blob $Name -Container $StageStorageContainerName -Properties @{"ContentType" = "application/json"} -Force | Select-Object @{n='Uri';e={$_.ICloudBlob.Uri}}, Length }
catch { "[$LogTimestamp] EXCEPTION when uploading file #$ContentOutputFileUploadCounter --> $Name. Exception message: "+$_.Exception.Message | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append }
# Set the output payload:
$OutputPayload = [PSCustomObject]@{
Payload = $OutputStageStorage
#PayloadBytes = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetByteCount(($OutputExpression | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50 -Compress)))
PayloadBytes = ($FileSizes | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
# Send output to callback URL:
$HTTPResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $CallbackURL -Method Post -Body ($OutputPayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50 -Compress) -ContentType 'application/json'
# Remove temp files:
Get-Item "$ContentOutputFile*" | Remove-Item -Force
# Stopwatch:
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
"[$LogTimestamp] StopWatch: " + ([int]$StopWatch.Elapsed.Hours) + 'h ' + ([int]$StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes) + 'm ' + ([int]$StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds) + 's.' + [Environment]::NewLine + [Environment]::NewLine + 'OutputPayload: ' + [Environment]::NewLine + ($OutputPayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50 -Compress) + [Environment]::NewLine + 'HTTPResponse: ' + ($HTTPResponse.StatusCode | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50 -Compress) + [Environment]::NewLine + [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
catch {
$Exception = $_.Exception.Message
$ExceptionPayload = '{"exception":true,"function":"Process-AsyncRequest","message":"'+$Exception+'"}'
$HTTPResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $CallbackURL -Method Post -Body ($ExceptionPayload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -ContentType 'application/json'
# Log:
$LogTimestamp = (get-date).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss")
"[$LogTimestamp] Exception triggered:" + [Environment]::NewLine + $ExceptionPayload | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
'HTTPResponse: ' + ($HTTPResponse.StatusCode | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) | Out-File -FilePath $LogOutputFile -Encoding UTF8 -Append
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