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Created September 15, 2017 07:59
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Brainfuck interpreter in haskell
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
type Cells = [Int]
type Ptr = Int
type OutBuffer = String
type Stack = (Ptr, Cells, OutBuffer)
defValue :: Int
defValue = 0
maxSize :: Int
maxSize = 256
cells :: Cells
cells = [defValue]
ptr :: Ptr
ptr = 0 :: Ptr
outbfr :: OutBuffer
outbfr = ""
modPtr :: (Int -> Int) -> Stack -> Stack
modPtr f (p, c, o) = (newp, newc, o)
newp = f p
newc = if newp > length c then c ++ replicate newp defValue else c
next :: Stack -> Stack
next = modPtr (+1)
prev :: Stack -> Stack
prev = modPtr (+ (-1))
applyIntFunc :: (Int -> Int) -> Stack -> Stack
applyIntFunc f (p, c, o) = (p, res, o)
(h, t) = (take p c, drop p c)
v = f $ head t
res = h ++ [v] ++ tail t
inc :: Stack -> Stack
inc = applyIntFunc (\x-> mod (x+1) maxSize)
dec :: Stack -> Stack
dec = applyIntFunc (\x-> mod (x-1) maxSize)
toBuff :: Stack -> Stack
toBuff (p, c, o) = (p, c, o ++ [chr v])
v = head $ drop p c
outVal :: Stack -> IO ()
outVal (p, c, o) = putChar $ chr v
v = head $ drop p c
printStack :: Stack -> IO ()
printStack (_, _, b) = putStrLn b
inVal :: Stack -> IO Stack
inVal (p, c, o) = do
iv <- getLine
let (h, t) = (take p c, drop p c)
let v = read iv :: Int
let res = h ++ [v] ++ tail t
return (p, res, o)
evalOne :: Char -> Stack -> Stack
evalOne '>' = next
evalOne '<' = prev
evalOne '+' = inc
evalOne '-' = dec
evalOne '.' = toBuff
evalOne _ = id
-- evalOne ',' = inVal
snippetLoop :: String -> (String, String)
snippetLoop [] = ([], [])
snippetLoop ('[':xs) = fst $ foldr reducef (("",""), 1) $ reverse xs
reducef :: Char -> ((String, String), Int) -> ((String, String), Int)
reducef c ((l, r), n)= ((newl, newr), num)
num = if n == 0 then 0 else case c of
'[' -> n+1
']' -> n-1
otherwise -> n
newl = if num == 0 then l else l++[c]
newr = if num == 0 then r++[c] else r
--Recursive version, too slow , better with foldr
-- fuckloop :: Stack -> String -> Stack
-- fuckloop s [] = s
-- fuckloop s@(p, c, o) str = if v == 0 then s else fuckloop news str
-- where
-- v = head $ drop p c
-- news = fuckeval s str
fuckloop :: Stack -> String -> Stack
fuckloop s [] = s
fuckloop s@(p, c, o) str = head $ dropWhile (\(pp, cc, _)-> (head (drop pp cc) /= 0 )) $ scanl fuckeval s $ repeat str
fuckeval :: Stack -> String -> Stack
fuckeval s [] = s
fuckeval s@(p, c, o) (x:xs) | x == '[' = fuckeval (fuckloop s l) r
| x == ']' = fuckeval s xs
| otherwise = fuckeval (evalOne x s) xs
(l, r) = snippetLoop (x:xs)
main = do
[args] <- getArgs
ff <- readFile args
let l = [x | x<-lines ff, x /= ""]
mapM_ ( printStack . fuckeval (127, replicate 256 0, "")) l
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