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Last active July 20, 2021 16:05
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Sublime Text 3 Python/Cpp plugins

Sublime Text 3 Python/Cpp IDE

Python and Cpp plugins IDE for Sublime Text3

Python IDE

  1. MagicPython --> "disable package -> python"
  2. Django
  3. Djaneiro
  4. More Python Completions
  5. AutoDocstring
  6. Anaconda


Linter Package: LSP or Sublime Linter

  1. LSP and pyls (python-language-server), pip3 install python-language-server,pip install pyflakes,pip install pyls-mypy
  2. SublimeLinter - pycodestyle, , pip3 install pycodestyle


  1. CMake and CMakeFormat
  2. BracketHighlighter
  3. Clang Format
  4. C++ Completions
  5. ClangAutocomplete

Sublime Text Themes

  1. gruvbox color-scheme
  2. gravitytheme

User Settings

========> AutoDocstring
    "keys": [ "ctrl+shift+d" ], "command": "auto_docstring" 
========> Anaconda
    "auto_formatting": true,
    "swallow_startup_errors": true,
    "jsonserver_debug": false,
    "autoformat_ignore": ["E309", "E501"],
    "pep8_ignore": ["E309", "E501"],
    // "pep8_max_line_length": 88,
    "anaconda_linter_underlines": false,
    "anaconda_linter_mark_style": "none",
    "anaconda_linting": false,
    // "anaconda_linting_behaviour": "save-only",
    "anaconda_linter_show_errors_on_save": false,
    "display_signatures": true,
    "disable_anaconda_completion": false,
    "complete_parameters": false,

    // "enable_signatures_tooltip": false,
    "auto_python_builder_enabled": false,
    "suppress_word_completions": true,
    "suppress_explicit_completions": true,
    "complete_all_parameters": false,
    "case_sensitive_completion": false,
    "parameters_completion_on_keypress": false,

    "python_interpreter": "C:\\Users\\Daniel\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\python.exe",


========> LSP settings
    "clients": {
        "pyls": {
            "enabled": true,
            "command": ["pyls"],
            "languageId": "python",
            "scopes": ["source.python"],
            "syntaxes": [
                "Packages/Djaneiro/Syntaxes/Python Django.tmLanguage",
            "settings": {
                "pyls": {
                    "plugins": {
                        "pycodestyle": {
                            "enabled": true,
                            "ignore": ["E501"],
    "auto_show_diagnostics_panel": false,

========> LSP-pylsp settings
// Settings in here override those in "LSP-pylsp/LSP-pylsp.sublime-settings"

	"pylsp.plugins.autopep8.enabled": true,
	"pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.enabled": false,
	"pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.fuzzy": false,
	"pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.enabled": false,

========> Sublime Linter - pycodestyle

    "linters": {
        "pycodestyle": {
            "ignore": ["E114"],
            "max-line-length": 120,
            "max-doc-length": 60,
    // ... other linters' settings

    "paths": {
        "linux": [],
        "osx": [],
        "windows": ["C:\\Users\\Daniel\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\Scripts"]

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