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Created March 22, 2023 16:56
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Planning module

  • Right now BDK has a policy module: when creating a transaction I can specify which policy I want to use to spend my utxos
    • or(and(A,B), C): either A+B or C by themselves
    • when I create the transaction, I decide if I want to spend with the A+B path, or if I want to spend with the C path
    • UX is not great, specifying which policy to use can be difficult
  • Replacing the policy module with this planning idea
  • Instead of specifying the policy I want to use to spend, I specify the “assets” (keys, timelocks, hash preimages) I have/want to use, and the planning module will find out the cheapest way for me to spend my coins
    • or(and(A,B),C), I tell the planning module that I own the keys A, B, C
      • The planning module will tell me to spend using the key C -> it’s cheaper than using A+B
    • or(A, and(B, older(10))), I tell the planning module I only have B
      • The planning module will tell me I can’t spend
    • or(A, and(B, older(10))), I tell the planning module I have B and I’m ok waiting 10 blocks
      • The planning module will tell me that I can spend using the B + older(10) policy
  • Witness template
    • Real witness looks like `OP_PUSH 03….`
    • Template will look like `[OP_PUSH, KEY_A]`
  • Planning module is going to be used in three places:
    • Step 1: before creating the transaction, to figure out if I can spend certain coins
    • Step 2: during coin selection! What we do right now is, for each coin, we estimate its weight using `max_satisfaction_weight`, and that’s quite wasteful
      • or(A, and(B, C, D, E, F, G)) -> max_sat_weight of this policy is spending with B + C + … + G, and that’s really expensive. But sometimes I might want to spend just using A, but in the coin selection I’m still `max_sat_weight`, which means my estimate will be really overshoot
      • We want to use the planning module to precisely estimate the coin’s spending weight
    • Step 3: if I’m given a PSBT, and I know the Plan I want to use to spend it, I want to fill the PSBT with the metadata I need to spend

Useful PRs


  • Used for building transactions in BDK
  • Right now it does have a lot of methods for configuring how the builder behaves and how the transaction will be constructed

Useful issues

TxBuilder redesign

0. User options

  • User will tell us how the transaction should be constructed
  • add_recepients, etc.

1. Coin control

  • Determine which coins can be candidates, and which coins to filter out.
    • User gives a function to specify which utxos can/can’t be used (add_utxo, add_utxos, add_foreign_utxo, do_not_spend_change, unspendable)
    • Wasabi-like idea: decide if I can spend based on a label
  • Determine coin groups (which coins must be spent together, and which coins must NOT be spent together).
    • Default: same as Bitcoin Core, Coin group contains all the coins that send to the same spk (everyone knows those coins are linked)
    • User-customizable (closure or something)
  • Add plan to each coin
    • Idea: (might complicate stuff way too much) instead of 1:1 plan/coin 1:N
    • TODO: What the default should be? Maybe I should have an Option<Plan> and if I don’t have a Plan for a coin just use max_sat_weight (!=creating a plan where I have all the assets)?
    • Can be user supplied

2. Coin selection

  • Selecting coins: shiny new module for CS!
  • Determine whether we need a drain output (TODO: is this done in the CS already?)

3. Transaction finalization (-> Transaction)

4. PSBT preparation (Transaction -> PSBT)

  • TODO: does the cs have a generic coin type? I don’t want to lose info about plan<->coin relationship
  • uses the plan to create the PSBT input (see planning module step 3)

5. Signing


  • `TxBuilderContext`: can I redesign it to look less shitty?
    • create_tx, build_fee_bump, cancel_tx, build_cpfp or something ???, build_drain
  • More generic structure that you can apply all the various steps on
  • 0. User options: TxParams like structure, with some checks on it (`check_validity` method)
  • 1. CoinControl: function for filtering, function for determing coin groups, function for creating the plan:coin relationship, “apply” method for applying the coin control
  • 2. Coin Selection: see nursery/coin_select, you create a CoinSelect…Opt, you create the WeightedValues of the available coins, you give it to the coin selection and tada
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