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"# Experiments as Iterators: asyncio in Science\n",
"<li>Daniel Allan</li>\n",
"<li>Thomas Caswell</li>\n",
"<li>Kenneth Lauer</li>\n",
"<p>Brookhaven National Lab</p>\n",
"<p>This talk:</p>\n",
"<p>Project Documentation:</p>\n",
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"## Origin of this Project\n",
"National Synchrontron Light Source II at Brookhaven National Lab\n",
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"## NSLS-II\n",
"* 12 semi-independent research groups, scaling up to 60 in ~5 years\n",
"* Scaling up to 19 Pb/year in \"expensive pixels\"\n",
"* No sacred data formats...\n",
"* ... but one validatable, extensible (NoSQL) schema for all:\n",
" * metadata\n",
" * data or *references* to data"
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"## Data Acquisition Software Design Goals\n",
"* Integrate with the **scipy stack**.\n",
"* Support **streaming** data analysis.\n",
"* Capture metadata to record\n",
" * a detailed **snapshot** of the hardware (all experiment state);\n",
" * and the scientist's **intention**, the meaning of the measurements.\n",
"* Make datasets **searchable** with rich queries on metadata and data.\n",
"* As much as possible, minimize inventing a domain-specific language."
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"Traditional data acquisition script:\n",
"for i in range(5):\n",
" try:\n",
" put('MOTOR_ID', i)\n",
" value = get('DETECTOR_ID')\n",
" # bespoke I/O code\n",
" except:\n",
" # bespoke cleanup to ensure hardware safety\n",
"Metadata is stuffed into filenames or custom headers."
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"### ophyd (device abstraction layer)\n",
"In [3]: import ophyd\n",
"In [4]: motor = ophyd.EpicsMotor('MOTOR_ID', name='motor')\n",
"In [5]:\n",
"Out[5]: {'motor':\n",
" {'value': 5.0,\n",
" 'timestamp': 1468325228.751564}}\n",
" \n",
"In [6]: motor.set(6.0)\n",
"Devices are expected to support a common interface: `read`, `set`, `stop`, ....\n",
"Our devices talk to EPICS, but yours could talk to LabView, RasberryPi, raw serial, etc."
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"Devices provide human-friendly names (useful during analysis) and a hierarchical structure.\n",
"class MultiAxisMirror(ophyd.Device):\n",
" x = ophyd.Component(ophyd.EpicsMotor, ':X')\n",
" y = ophyd.Component(ophyd.EpicsMotor, ':Y')\n",
" pitch = ophyd.Component(ophyd.EpicsMotor, ':P')\n",
"mirror = MultiAxisMirror('SOME_ID', name='mirror')\n",
"In [1]:\n",
"Out[1]: {'mirror_x': {'value': 1.0, ...},\n",
" ...: 'mirror_y': {'value': 1.5, ...},\n",
" ...: 'mirror_pitch': {'value': 0.3, ...}}\n",
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"### bluesky (experiment specification/execution)\n",
"New-style data acquisition program (more declarative, less imperative):\n",
"from bluesky.plans import (open_run, close_run,\n",
" abs_set,\n",
" trigger_and_read)\n",
" \n",
"def plan():\n",
" \"scan 'motor' from 1 to 5 while reading 'det'\"\n",
" yield from open_run(some_metadata_dict)\n",
" for i in range(5):\n",
" yield from abs_set(motor, i)\n",
" yield from trigger_and_read([det])\n",
" yield from close_run()\n",
"RE(plan()) # execute (I/O and cleanup for free!)\n",
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"### A Two-Slide Crash Course in ``yield`` and ``yield from``"
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"# Python 2.5+ (PEP 342)\n",
"def g():\n",
" # g is a 'generator'\n",
" yield 1\n",
" yield 2\n",
" \n",
"a = g() # a is a 'generator instance'"
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"# Python 3.3+ (PEP 380)\n",
"def h():\n",
" yield 0\n",
" yield from g()\n",
" yield 4\n",
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"Go watch James Powell's *Generators Will Free Your Mind* on YouTube!"
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"## The rest of this talk:\n",
"(1) How the **RunEngine** `RE` executes the instructions in the `plan`\n",
"(2) Neat implications of expressing a **science experiment as a generator**\n",
"(3) Reliably **capturing state and semantics** is a critical input to reproducible workflows in experimental science"
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"## The RunEngine from Scratch\n",
"In Which We Built Progressively More Complex Implementations"
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"### A 'plan' is an iterable of 'messages'\n",
"A `Msg` is a `namedtuple` with four fields:\n",
"* a **command**, given as a string, e.g., ``'set'`` or ``'sleep'``\n",
"* a target **obj**, e.g., ``motor`` (if applicable)\n",
"* positional **args**\n",
"* **kwargs**"
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"from bluesky import Msg\n",
"Msg('sleep', None, 1)"
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"### Version 0: the simplest possible RunEngine"
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"import time\n",
"from bluesky import Msg\n",
"function_map = {'sleep': lambda msg: time.sleep(*msg.args),\n",
" 'print': lambda msg: print(*msg.args)}\n",
"def RE_v0(plan):\n",
" for msg in plan:\n",
" print('PROCESSING: %r' % (msg,))\n",
" func = function_map[msg.command]\n",
" func(msg)\n",
" \n",
"sleepy_plan = [Msg('sleep', None, 1),\n",
" Msg('print', None, 'HELLO WORLD')]\n",
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"### Version 1: a RunEngine that supports adaptive plan logic"
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"from bluesky.utils import ensure_generator\n",
"def RE_v1(plan):\n",
" plan = ensure_generator(plan)\n",
" last_result = None\n",
" while True:\n",
" try:\n",
" msg = plan.send(last_result)\n",
" except StopIteration:\n",
" break\n",
" print('PROCESSING: %r' % (msg,))\n",
" func = function_map[msg.command]\n",
" last_result = func(msg)\n",
"function_map['sum'] = lambda msg: sum(msg.args)"
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"def adding_plan():\n",
" \"Ask the RunEngine to add to numbers. Print the result.\"\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" result = yield Msg('sum', None, 3, 4)\n",
" print('RECEIVED:', result)\n",
" \n",
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"def adaptive_adding_plan():\n",
" \"Keep adding 3 until the result is greater than 8.\"\n",
" result = 1\n",
" while True:\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" result = yield Msg('sum', None, result, 3)\n",
" print('RECEIVED:', result)\n",
" if result > 8:\n",
" print('we are done')\n",
" break\n",
" \n",
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"### Version 2: refactor as a callable class\n",
"A class, unlike a simple function, gives us access to the internal state."
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"class RunEngine_v2:\n",
" def __call__(self, plan):\n",
" self._run(plan)\n",
" \n",
" def _run(self, plan):\n",
" plan = ensure_generator(plan)\n",
" last_result = None\n",
" while True:\n",
" try:\n",
" msg = plan.send(last_result)\n",
" except StopIteration:\n",
" break\n",
" print('PROCESSING: %r' % (msg,))\n",
" func = function_map[msg.command]\n",
" last_result = func(msg)"
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"# It still works.\n",
"RE_v2 = RunEngine_v2()\n",
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"### Version 3: toward a RunEngine that supports interruptions / resuming\n",
"* The RunEngine still manages the main loop, processing the plan\n",
"* asyncio provides an outer event loop that manages multiple frames of execution"
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"import asyncio\n",
"loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()\n",
"# Reimplement all command functions as coroutines.\n",
"def _sum(msg):\n",
" return sum(msg.args)\n",
"def _sleep(msg):\n",
" yield from asyncio.sleep(*msg.args, loop=loop)"
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"class RunEngine_v3:\n",
" def __init__(self):\n",
" loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()\n",
" self.coroutine_map = {'sleep': _sleep,\n",
" 'sum': _sum}\n",
" \n",
" def __call__(self, plan):\n",
" self._task = loop.create_task(self._run(plan))\n",
" loop.run_until_complete(self._task)\n",
" \n",
" if self._task.done() and not self._task.cancelled():\n",
" exc = self._task.exception()\n",
" if exc is not None:\n",
" raise exc\n",
" \n",
" @asyncio.coroutine\n",
" def _run(self, plan):\n",
" plan = ensure_generator(plan)\n",
" last_result = None\n",
" while True:\n",
" try:\n",
" msg = plan.send(last_result)\n",
" except StopIteration:\n",
" break\n",
" print('PROCESSING: %r' % (msg,))\n",
" coroutine = self.coroutine_map[msg.command]\n",
" last_result = yield from coroutine(msg)"
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"# And it still works\n",
"RE_v3 = RunEngine_v3()\n",
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"## Execution can be interrupted and cleanly resumed\n",
"* Interrupt interactively with Ctrl+C\n",
"* Interrupt programmatically from the plan or in response to some external condition."
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"from bluesky import RunEngine # finally, the real thing\n",
"# Make a RunEngine.\n",
"RE = RunEngine({})\n",
"# Teach it our toy command, 'sum'.\n",
"def _sum(msg):\n",
" return sum(msg.args)\n",
"RE.register_command('sum', _sum)\n",
" \n",
"# Make it verbose, as our demo versions were.\n",
"RE.msg_hook = lambda msg: print(\"PROCESSING:\", msg)"
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"# Demo capturing Ctrl+C\n",
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"# RunEngine \"rewinds\" its cache of messages and\n",
"# starts again from the beginning.\n",
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"from itertools import count\n",
"def pausing_plan():\n",
" \"Pause after the second iteration and let the user resume or abort.\"\n",
" ret = 1\n",
" for i in count():\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" if i == 1:\n",
" yield Msg('pause')\n",
" ret = yield Msg('sum', None, ret, 3)\n",
" print('RECEIVED:', ret)\n",
" if ret > 8:\n",
" print('we are done')\n",
" break"
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"# RunEngine resumes from where it left off.\n",
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"from itertools import count\n",
"def pausing_plan_with_checkpoints():\n",
" \"Pause after the second iteration and let the user resume or abort.\"\n",
" ret = 1\n",
" for i in count():\n",
" yield Msg('checkpoint') # NEW\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" if i == 1:\n",
" yield Msg('pause')\n",
" ret = yield Msg('sum', None, ret, 3)\n",
" print('RECEIVED:', ret)\n",
" if ret > 8:\n",
" print('we are done')\n",
" break"
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"## Plans can handle exceptions"
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"def problematic_plan():\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" print(\"ERROR!\")\n",
" raise Exception(\"Problematic!\")\n",
" \n",
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"from bluesky.plans import finalize_wrapper\n",
"def cleanup():\n",
" # e.g., move motors back to safe positions.\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 2)\n",
" print(\"Everything has been made safe.\")\n",
" \n",
"def make_safe(plan):\n",
" yield from finalize_wrapper(plan, cleanup())\n",
"# cleanup() will be yielded from before\n",
"# exception is re-raised.\n",
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"from bluesky.plans import finalize_wrapper\n",
" \n",
"def raises_in_RE():\n",
" \"will cause an error inside _sleep() coroutine\"\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 'a')\n",
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"# cleanup() will be yielded from before\n",
"# exception is re-raised\n",
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"def reckless_plan():\n",
" try:\n",
" yield from raises_in_RE()\n",
" except Exception as exc:\n",
" print(\"Ignoring:\", exc)\n",
" yield Msg('sleep', None, 1)\n",
" \n",
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"## The RunEngine collates all metadata and data into validated dicts\n",
"* Dicts contain metadata and data.\n",
"* They are validated against a JSON schema.\n",
"* Dicts are dispatched to a list of \"subscribers\".\n",
" * Subscribers can be blocking or non-blocking.\n",
" * Subscribers can be lossy.\n",
"* Insert dicts into to NoSQL database.\n",
"* Print, plot, or produce log entries.\n",
"* Write CSV files or HDF5 files."
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"RE.msg_hook = None # turn off verbosity\n",
"# Use synthetic hardware objects.\n",
"from bluesky.examples import det, motor\n",
"motor._fake_sleep = 0.25 # sim moving time\n",
"from bluesky.plans import (open_run, close_run,\n",
" abs_set,\n",
" trigger_and_read)\n",
"def plan():\n",
" \"scan 'motor' from 1 to 5 while reading 'detector'\"\n",
" yield from open_run({'some_metadata': 'hello world'})\n",
" for i in range(5):\n",
" yield from abs_set(motor, i)\n",
" yield from trigger_and_read([det, motor])\n",
" yield from close_run()"
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"RE(plan(), print)"
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"from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable\n",
"RE(plan(), LiveTable([motor, det]))"
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"%matplotlib notebook\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
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"from bluesky.callbacks import LivePlot\n",
"RE(plan(), LivePlot('det', 'motor'))"
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"## More Use Cases: Adaptive Steps and Nested Generators\n",
"Behold the Power of the Fully *Operational* RunEngine"
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"from bluesky.plans import adaptive_scan\n",
"motor._fake_sleep = 0\n",
"RE(adaptive_scan([det], 'det', motor, -10, 10, 0.1, 5, 0.1, True),\n",
" LivePlot('det', 'motor', marker='o'))"
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"RE(plan(), LiveTable([motor, det]))"
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"from bluesky.plans import relative_set_wrapper\n",
"# We left motor at position 4.0 above.\n",
"RE(relative_set_wrapper(plan()), LiveTable([motor, det]))"
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"from bluesky.plans import msg_mutator\n",
"def triple_sleep(msg):\n",
" \"Alter any sleep messages to triple the sleep time.\"\n",
" if msg.command == 'sleep':\n",
" t, = msg.args\n",
" new_msg = msg._replace(args=(3 * t,))\n",
" return new_msg\n",
" else:\n",
" return msg\n",
"RE.msg_hook = print\n",
"RE(msg_mutator(adding_plan(), triple_sleep))"
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"## Additional Info\n",
"<p>This talk:</p>\n",
"<p>Project Documentation:</p>\n",
"<p>Document Model:</p>"
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