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Created March 4, 2017 20:44
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An example of how to hack together Ueberauth.Auth structs
defmodule MyApp.Auth do
@moduledoc """
Creates `Ueberauth.Auth` structs from OAuth responses.
This module is an ugly hack which is necessary because `Ueberauth` doesn't provide
the necessary hooks to get such a struct without giving it control of the whole
callback phase. We can't do this in the API because all the mobile app can give us
is the OAuth token.
Most of the code was lifted from Ueberauth, with minor changes as needed.
def new(type, token, secret \\ nil)
def new(:facebook, token, _secret) do
{_module, config} = Application.get_env(:ueberauth, Ueberauth)[:providers][:facebook]
client = Ueberauth.Strategy.Facebook.OAuth.client
token =, client)
case OAuth2.AccessToken.get(token, "/me?fields=#{config[:profile_fields]}") do
{:ok, %OAuth2.Response{status_code: status_code, body: user}} when status_code in 200..399 ->
{:ok, parse(:facebook, user, token)}
{:ok, %OAuth2.Response{status_code: 401}} ->
{:error, "Not authorized."}
{:error, %OAuth2.Error{reason: reason}} ->
{:error, reason}
_other ->
{:error, "An unknown error occurred."}
def new(:twitter, token, secret) do
params = [include_entities: false, skip_status: true, include_email: true]
case Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter.OAuth.get("/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json", params, {token, secret}) do
{:ok, {{_, status_code, _}, _, body}} when status_code in 200..399 ->
user =
|> List.to_string
|> Poison.decode!
{:ok, parse(:twitter, user, {token, secret})}
{:ok, {{_, 401, _}, _, _}} ->
{:error, "Not authorized."}
{:ok, {_, _, body}} ->
body =
|> List.to_string
|> Poison.decode!
error = List.first(body["errors"])
{:error, error}
def new(:google, token, _secret) do
client = Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth.client
token =, client)
case OAuth2.AccessToken.get(token, "") do
{:ok, %OAuth2.Response{status_code: status_code, body: user}} when status_code in 200..399 ->
{:ok, parse(:google, user, token)}
{:ok, %OAuth2.Response{status_code: 401, body: _body}} ->
{:error, "Not authorized."}
{:error, %OAuth2.Error{reason: reason}} ->
{:error, reason}
defp parse(:facebook, user, token) do
scopes = token.other_params["scope"] || ""
scopes = String.split(scopes, ",")
provider: :facebook,
strategy: Ueberauth.Strategy.Facebook,
uid: user["id"],
info: %Ueberauth.Auth.Info{
description: user["bio"],
email: user["email"],
first_name: user["first_name"],
image: "{user["id"]}/picture?type=square",
last_name: user["last_name"],
name: user["name"],
urls: %{
facebook: user["link"],
website: user["website"]
extra: %Ueberauth.Auth.Extra{
raw_info: %{
token: token,
user: user
credentials: %Ueberauth.Auth.Credentials{
expires: token.expires_at != nil,
expires_at: token.expires_at,
scopes: scopes,
token: token.access_token
defp parse(:twitter, user, {token, secret}) do
provider: :twitter,
strategy: Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter,
uid: user["id_str"],
info: %Ueberauth.Auth.Info{
email: user["email"],
image: user["profile_image_url"],
name: user["name"],
nickname: user["screen_name"],
description: user["description"],
urls: %{
Twitter: "{user["screen_name"]}",
Website: user["url"]
extra: %Ueberauth.Auth.Extra{
raw_info: %{
token: token,
user: user
credentials: %Ueberauth.Auth.Credentials{
token: token,
secret: secret
defp parse(:google, user, token) do
scopes = String.split(token.other_params["scope"] || "", ",")
provider: :google,
strategy: Ueberauth.Strategy.Google,
uid: user["sub"],
info: %Ueberauth.Auth.Info{
email: user["email"],
first_name: user["given_name"],
image: user["picture"],
last_name: user["family_name"],
name: user["name"],
urls: %{
profile: user["profile"],
website: user["hd"]
extra: %Ueberauth.Auth.Extra{
raw_info: %{
token: token,
user: user
credentials: %Ueberauth.Auth.Credentials{
expires: token.expires_at != nil,
expires_at: token.expires_at,
scopes: scopes,
refresh_token: token.refresh_token,
token: token.access_token
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yordis commented Mar 6, 2017

I am getting this function OAuth2.AccessToken.get/2 is undefined or private

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scrogson commented Mar 7, 2017

I am getting this function OAuth2.AccessToken.get/2 is undefined or private

@yordis you are mostly likely using a more recent version of OAuth2. Use OAuth2.Client.get instead.

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mushu8 commented Oct 23, 2020

I'm a beginner in elixir and trying to integrate this workflow :

  1. a client authenticate with a social provider and get a social auth token
  2. the client sends its social auth token to the elixir backend for signin
  3. the backend refreshes the social auth token by calling the social provider "refresh" endpoint
  4. the backend issues a jwt token and sends it as answer to its client.

Could you update this gist with a recent version of OAuth2 ?

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You can check the latest version of the uberauth docs for how to do part of what you’re describing.

For the rest, it would be quite a bit of work to update this in the way you’re asking, and I don’t have time, unfortunately. I recommend you look through uberauth docs and blog posts for help.

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