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Codecks Gists
let subdomain = SUBDOMAIN;
let segmentQuery = {
$and: [
{ startedAt: { op: "gte", value: "2020-11-03T23:00:00.000Z" } },
{ startedAt: { op: "lt", value: "2020-12-01T23:00:00.000Z" } },
user: { name: ["daniel","tom","Alex"] },
let query = {
_root: [
account: [
[`timeTrackingSegments(${JSON.stringify(segmentQuery)})`]: [
user: ["name"],
card: [
deck: ["title"],
parentCard: ["title"],
await fetch(`${JSON.stringify(query)}&x-account=${subdomain}`).then(r => r.json())
let subdomain = YOUR_SUBDOMAIN
let deckNumber = TAKE_NUMBER_FROM_URL
let cardQuery = `cards({"deck":{"accountSeq":${deckNumber}},"coverFileId":null})`
let query = {_root: [{account: [{[cardQuery]: [{attachments:[{file:["id","meta"]}]}]}]}]}
let result = await fetch(`${JSON.stringify(query)}&x-account=${subdomain}`).then(r => r.json())
for (let cardId of result.account[result._root.account][cardQuery]) {
let card = result.card[cardId]
if (!card.attachments.length) continue;
let files = => result.file[result.attachment[a].file])
let img = files.find(f => f.meta.type)
if (!img) continue
await fetch(`${subdomain}`, {
headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
body: JSON.stringify({id: cardId, coverFileId:}),
method: "POST",
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100))
const lettersToSequence = (
letters: string,
{startVal = 0, implicitZero = false}: {startVal: number; implicitZero: boolean} = {
startVal: 0,
implicitZero: false,
) => {
const length = letters.length;
const letterToIndex = letters.split("").reduce((memo, letter, index) => {
memo[letter] = index;
return memo;
}, {} as {[l: string]: number});
return {
intToSeq(intVal: number) {
const seq = [];
let q = intVal + startVal;
if (implicitZero) q += 1;
let r;
do {
if (implicitZero) q += -1;
r = q % length;
q = Math.floor(q / length);
} while (q);
return seq.join("");
seqToInt(seq: string) {
let intVal = letterToIndex[seq[0]] || 0;
for (let i = 1; i < seq.length; i += 1) {
if (implicitZero) intVal += 1;
intVal *= length;
intVal += letterToIndex[seq[i]];
return intVal - startVal;
export const pronounceSafeSeq = lettersToSequence("123456789acefghijkoqrsuvwxyz", {
startVal: 28 * 29 - 1,
implicitZero: true,
// use like this: pronounceSafeSeq.seqToInt('13c') -> 67
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