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Last active March 29, 2024 15:47
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Coderbyte API Candidate Joined Trigger
"id": "c90af3",
"email": "",
"date": "2022-12-11T13:16:00-0500",
"test_id": "graphql-assessment-4ndwhkinke",
"report_link": "https:\/\/\/report\/userwbzr2937i:graphql-assessment-4ndwhkinke",
"status": "Completed",
"name": "Daniel Test",
"display_name": "Front-end Test",
"time_taken": -1,
"plagiarism": "Not detected",
"mc_score": 20,
"code_score": 60,
"final_score": 80,
"challenge_details": [
"date": "12-05-22",
"language": "Python3",
"score": 8,
"title": "Two Sum"
"mc_details": [
"id": "1234",
"question": "How do you mutate objects in JS?",
"correct": false
"oe_details": [
"id": "4567",
"question": "Tell us about some languages and skills you have used",
"answer": "I used to work with MongoDB and Node.js."
// more candidates...
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