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Created May 27, 2016 13:05
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Convert DIGAS .DBE filte to JSON
var fs = require('fs');
const keyRegex = /(\[[A-Z\/#0-9]+\])/;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.error('No file name given.');
} else {
parse(process.argv[2]).then(o => {
function parse(filename) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(filename, {encoding: 'binary'}, function (err, data) {
console.log(err, data);
if (err) reject(err);
const o = {};
const items = data.split(keyRegex);
for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i += 2) {
if (keyRegex.test(items[i]) && !keyRegex.test(items[i+1])) {
let key = items[i].substr(1, items[i].length-2).toLowerCase();
if (key.indexOf('/') === -1) {
o[key] = getValue(items[i+1]);
} else {
let keypath = key.split('/');
let ref = o;
for (let j = 0; j < keypath.length; j++) {
if (j === keypath.length-1) {
ref[keypath[j]] = getValue(items[i+1]);
} else {
ref[keypath[j]] = ref[keypath[j]] || {};
ref = ref[keypath[j]];
function arraify(o) {
if (o instanceof Array) {
o.forEach(k => {
o[k] = arraify(o[k]);
} else if (typeof o === 'object') {
Object.keys(o).forEach(k => {
if (typeof o[k] === 'object' && Object.keys(o[k])[0] && Object.keys(o[k])[0].indexOf('#') > -1) {
o[k] = Object.keys(o[k]).map(j => o[k][j]);
} else {
o[k] = arraify(o[k]);
return o;
function getValue(val) {
if (/^-?\d+$/.test(val)) {
return parseInt(val);
} else if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/.test(val)) {
const match = val.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)$/);
return new Date(match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3], match[4], match[5], match[6]);
} else if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/.test(val)) {
return new Date(val);
} else {
return val;
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