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Last active July 22, 2024 19:49
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Emby Premiere: ByPass Docker container

Emby Premiere ByPass Docker container

❗ All the information provided on this tutorial are for educational purposes only. I'm not responsible for any misuse of this information. If you like the app buy it

Table of Contents


Tested on version Last update: January 28, 2024

This tutorial allows you to run Emby Premiere on:

Emby Premiere Local device Remote device
Web ✔️ ✔️
Mobile ✔️
Emby Theater ✔️ ?
Other devices

Getting Started

1. Local client bypass

Folder structure

├── certs
│   ├── emby.crt
│   ├── emby.key
│   └── ssl-dhparams.pem
├── Dockerfile
└── nginx.conf


  1. Create certs folder
mkdir certs
  1. Generate a self-signed certificate for the fake server to use:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -days 36525 -nodes -subj '/' -addext "subjectAltName =,"  -out certs/emby.crt -keyout certs/emby.key
  1. Download ssl-dhparams.pem
curl > certs/ssl-dhparams.pem
  1. Create nginx.conf file
events {
  worker_connections  4096;  ## Default: 1024
	server {
		listen 80;
		listen [::]:80;

		return 301$request_uri;

	server {
		listen 443 ssl http2;
		listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
		# Generate with command above
		ssl_certificate /certs/emby.crt;
		ssl_certificate_key /certs/emby.key;
		ssl_session_timeout 1d;
		ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;  # about 40000 sessions
		ssl_session_tickets off;

		# curl > /certs/ssl-dhparams.pem
		ssl_dhparam /certs/ssl-dhparams.pem;

		# intermediate configuration
		ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
		ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;

		location /admin/service/registration/validateDevice{
			default_type application/json;
			return 200 '{"cacheExpirationDays":3650,"message":"Device Valid (limit not checked)","resultCode":"GOOD"}';

		location /admin/service/registration/validate {
			default_type application/json;
			return 200 '{"featId":"","registered":true,"expDate":"2099-01-01","key":""}';

		location /admin/service/registration/getStatus {
			default_type application/json;
			return 200 '{"planType":"Lifetime","deviceStatus":0,"subscriptions":[]}';

		location /admin/service/appstore/register {
			default_type application/json;
			return 200 '{"featId":"","registered":true,"expDate":"2099-01-01","key":""}';

		location /emby/Plugins/SecurityInfo {
			default_type application/json;
			return 200 '{SupporterKey:"", IsMBSupporter:true}';
		add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin * always;
		add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers * always;
		add_header Access-Control-Allow-Method * always;
		add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true always;
  1. Create Dockerfile file
FROM nginx
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
ADD certs /certs

2. Web client bypass

Folder structure

├── Dockerfile
└── patch
    ├── emby.crt
    ├── ilasm
    └── ildasm


  1. Copy emby.crt from ../mb3admin/certs to patch folder
cp ../mb3admin/certs/emby.crt patch
  1. Download ilasm and ildasm for your architecture and copy in patch folder.

You can get it here for x86_64 architecture : ilasm ildasm

You can get it here for arm64(Raspberry Pi 4) architecture. Just double click the binary file inside runtimes/linux-arm64/native and it will automatically download : ilasm ildasm

You can get it here for arm(Raspberry Pi <3) architecture. Just double click the binary file inside runtimes/linux-arm/native and it will automatically download : ilasm ildasm

Or you can download the deb package. You should unpack the .deb and find the executables in ./usr/bin/

  1. Create Dockerfile file
FROM linuxserver/emby:beta

ADD patch /patch

RUN chmod +x /patch/ilasm
RUN chmod +x /patch/ildasm
RUN mkdir /patch/tmp

WORKDIR /patch/tmp

RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll

RUN sed -i 's#ajax({url:""+new URLSearchParams(params).toString(),type:"POST",dataType:"json"})#Promise.resolve(new Response('"'"'{"cacheExpirationDays":365,"message":"Device Valid","resultCode":"GOOD"}'"'"').json())#g' Emby.Web.dashboard_ui.modules.emby_apiclient.connectionmanager.js

RUN /patch/ilasm -dll Emby.Web.dll -out=/app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll
RUN cat /patch/emby.crt >> /app/emby/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

3. Docker compose setup

Folder structure

├── docker-compose.yml
├── mb3admin
│   ├── certs
│   │   ├── emby.crt
│   │   ├── emby.key
│   │   └── ssl-dhparams.pem
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── nginx.conf
└── server
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── patch
        ├── emby.crt
        ├── ilasm
        └── ildasm


⚠️ It is mandatory that the server where the Emby server is running has a DNS configured that resolves to the local IP of the nginx server.

  1. Edit your local DNS (Pihole, Adguard, router, bind...) and rewrite with local IP. If you can't do this, you can edit the hosts file of each device you're going to use Emby.
  • Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Linux: /etc/hosts
  1. Create compose.yml
      build: ./server
      container_name: emby
        - PUID=1000
        - PGID=1000
        - TZ=Europe/London
        - ./config:/config
        - /media/tv:/data/tvshows
        - /media/movies:/data/movies
        - 8096:8096
        - 8920:8920 #optional
      #dns: #Only if the dns of the local machine is different
      #  - <dns_ip> 
      restart: unless-stopped
      build: ./mb3admin
      container_name: mb3admin
        - 443:443
      restart: unless-stopped
  1. Start containers
docker compose up -d


⚠️ You MUST do the above steps for this to work

Emby Theater

  1. Go to
  • Windows: %appdata%\Emby-Theater\system\electronapp
  • Linux: /opt/emby-theater/electron/resources/app/
  1. Open main.js with text editor
  2. After this
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
    // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar
    // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q
    if (process.platform != 'darwin') {

Add this:

app.on('certificate-error', (event, webContents, url, error, certificate, callback) => {


You DON'T NEED TO DO any extra steps to make it work on Android on local network. First time you open the app it will prompt a dialog to accept self-signed certificate. If this dialog does not appear you have done something wrong.


If you want it to work outside the local network, you need to get a modded apk


Update Emby version

  1. Change to the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is
  2. Build a new emby image
docker compose build emby --pull --no-cache
  1. Restart container
docker compose up -d


Special thanks for helping me improve this information to:

  • @potatoru
  • @orangejuice
  • @OrpheeGT
  • @senhan07
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sky456757 commented Oct 6, 2023

[emby 7/10] RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll:
0.093 /bin/sh: /patch/ildasm: not found

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rikkwebreg commented Oct 13, 2023

Hello to All,
There is a possibility to have a similar patch/workaround for the Webos app (LG TV) to not pass through web app ?

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OrpheeGT commented Dec 8, 2023

@danielchc For Emby Theater on Linux.

The file to be modified is here on Ubuntu :


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danielchc commented Dec 9, 2023

@OrpheeGT I just update with this information. Thank you!

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Can anybody help me? I don't know if it's the right place to ask for it. But I wanted to edit Emby for Android app. I want to set my Emby server's remote address by default in the app so that the user can just download, install, and login with their account directly without having to enter the server's address manually. I have already tried it by editing manualserver.html and manualserver.js files which is also good but I want a direct method. Thanks.

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#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver

#1 [emby internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 704B done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [emby internal] load metadata for
#2 DONE 0.8s

#3 [emby internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s

#4 [emby 1/10] FROM
#4 DONE 0.0s

#5 [emby internal] load build context
#5 transferring context: 126B done
#5 DONE 0.0s

#6 [emby 4/10] RUN chmod +x /patch/ildasm

#7 [emby 5/10] RUN mkdir /patch/tmp

#8 [emby 3/10] RUN chmod +x /patch/ilasm

#9 [emby 2/10] ADD patch /patch

#10 [emby 6/10] WORKDIR /patch/tmp

#11 [emby 7/10] RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll
#11 0.420 error : File '/app/emby/Emby.Web.dll' not found or not a PE file


any idea about this error?

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danielchc commented Jan 26, 2024

#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver

#1 [emby internal] load build definition from Dockerfile #1 transferring dockerfile: 704B done #1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [emby internal] load metadata for #2 DONE 0.8s

#3 [emby internal] load .dockerignore #3 transferring context: 2B done #3 DONE 0.0s

#4 [emby 1/10] FROM #4 DONE 0.0s

#5 [emby internal] load build context #5 transferring context: 126B done #5 DONE 0.0s

#6 [emby 4/10] RUN chmod +x /patch/ildasm #6 CACHED

#7 [emby 5/10] RUN mkdir /patch/tmp #7 CACHED

#8 [emby 3/10] RUN chmod +x /patch/ilasm #8 CACHED

#9 [emby 2/10] ADD patch /patch #9 CACHED

#10 [emby 6/10] WORKDIR /patch/tmp #10 CACHED

#11 [emby 7/10] RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll #11 0.420 error : File '/app/emby/Emby.Web.dll' not found or not a PE file


any idea about this error?

They have moved the Emby.Web.dll file from folder, and made some change that has messed up the patch. You could try using a previous version.

In Dockerfile file change this line

FROM linuxserver/emby

to this

FROM linuxserver/emby:beta-version-

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Nelson-E commented Feb 7, 2024

Hi, not sure if its by design, but plugin catalog is not working. Keeps loading forever.

Is there a way to make it work? Or is that a sign that I did something wrong in the implementation?

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OrpheeGT commented Feb 7, 2024

Hi, not sure if its by design, but plugin catalog is not working. Keeps loading forever.

Is there a way to make it work? Or is that a sign that I did something wrong in the implementation?


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Nelson-E commented Feb 7, 2024

Hi, not sure if its by design, but plugin catalog is not working. Keeps loading forever.
Is there a way to make it work? Or is that a sign that I did something wrong in the implementation?

This is mine

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 32 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 50 PM

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Hi, not sure if its by design, but plugin catalog is not working. Keeps loading forever.
Is there a way to make it work? Or is that a sign that I did something wrong in the implementation?

This is mine

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 32 PM Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 50 PM

Hi, found out that the DNS was not 100%, and some queries were going outside. Fixed, now all working.

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@danielchc Maybe you can also add this for ARM64 build version, i have tested it and works fine on my RaspberryPi
Just double click the binary file and it will automatically download

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@danielchc Maybe you can also add this for ARM64 build version, i have tested it and works fine on my RaspberryPi Just double click the binary file and it will automatically download ILAsm ILDAsm

Thank you! I just updated the description :)

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I had to install the crt on host machine for curl to work

cd /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ && sudo mkdir mb3admin && sudo chmod 755 mb3admin/

Copy over emby.crt to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mb3admin and update certs on the machine with

sudo update-ca-certificates

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shummo commented Mar 1, 2024


Is it possible to run this on windows?

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Hi, not sure if its by design, but plugin catalog is not working. Keeps loading forever.
Is there a way to make it work? Or is that a sign that I did something wrong in the implementation?

This is mine
Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 32 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12 25 50 PM

Hi, found out that the DNS was not 100%, and some queries were going outside. Fixed, now all working.

What did you end up doing? I have the same problem with plugins not loading.

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mobihen commented Mar 7, 2024

Hi :)
I'm using a docker on linux config, all OK except that I can't find where is the main.js file
I have those 2 containers running:
77492f43828c emby-mb3admin
ad6a91895724 emby-emby

in neither of the there isn't /opt/emby... /opt folder is just empty
How can I proceed?...

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Hi :) I'm using a docker on linux config, all OK except that I can't find where is the main.js file I have those 2 containers running: 77492f43828c emby-mb3admin ad6a91895724 emby-emby

in neither of the there isn't /opt/emby... /opt folder is just empty How can I proceed?... Thanks!

You only need do that step if you use Emby Theater desktop application

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mobihen commented Mar 7, 2024

ohhhh OK :)
so I don't see that ssl message, and I did follow those steps. another thing is that when I put the key, it loads forever.. but I don't see that message that I need premiere to use hw acceleration.
On my iPhone client, I still have that restriction for 1 minute, this should bypass that?

Thanks for the help and support :)

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Just tested with [] and patch still works :)

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mobihen commented Mar 29, 2024

Thank you for the project, a solution regarding SSL is to use your own domain together with cloudflare's zerotrust. I can watch on any device from anywhere, as far as I tested Versão []

how can ai acheive this?.. I also have a fomain with zero trust on Cloudflare with a tunnel

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Can anybody help me? I don't know if it's the right place to ask for it. But I wanted to edit Emby for Android app. I want to set my Emby server's remote address by default in the app so that the user can just download, install, and login with their account directly without having to enter the server's address manually. I have already tried it by editing manualserver.html and manualserver.js files which is also good but I want a direct method. Thanks.

did you manage to do it?

I would like to unlock so I can play more than 1 minute

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This works even without patching the .dll file. Tested on Any reason why the below lines are needed?

RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll
RUN sed -i 's#ajax({url:""+new URLSearchParams(params).toString(),type:"POST",dataType:"json"})#Promise.resolve(new Response('"'"'{"cacheExpirationDays":365,"message":"Device Valid","resultCode":"GOOD"}'"'"').json())#g' Emby.Web.dashboard_ui.modules.emby_apiclient.connectionmanager.js
RUN /patch/ilasm -dll Emby.Web.dll -out=/app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll

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misuchiru03 commented May 9, 2024

This works even without patching the .dll file. Tested on Any reason why the below lines are needed?

RUN /patch/ildasm /app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll -out=Emby.Web.dll
RUN sed -i 's#ajax({url:""+new URLSearchParams(params).toString(),type:"POST",dataType:"json"})#Promise.resolve(new Response('"'"'{"cacheExpirationDays":365,"message":"Device Valid","resultCode":"GOOD"}'"'"').json())#g' Emby.Web.dashboard_ui.modules.emby_apiclient.connectionmanager.js
RUN /patch/ilasm -dll Emby.Web.dll -out=/app/emby/system/Emby.Web.dll

Also confirmed without patching. One machine running Emby server, another machine running mb3admin, both Linux.

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danielchc commented May 10, 2024

@satheshshiva @misuchiru03 You need this to access from outside local network as Premiere user (web only)

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mobihen commented May 10, 2024

How do you make it works on an LG tv, or on a remote device like iPhone or iOS?

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How do you make it works on an LG tv, or on a remote device like iPhone or iOS?

Connect your remote devices with VPN to your local network.

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HackyRoot commented May 30, 2024

I am getting this error. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Also this is not working on Android as well. It keeps asking me for emby premier key.

mb3admin  | - - [30/May/2024:07:45:46 +0000] "GET /admin/service/EmbyPackages.json HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "-" "-"
mb3admin  | 2024/05/30 07:45:46 [error] 29#29: *15 open() "/etc/nginx/html/admin/service/EmbyPackages.json" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server:, request: "GET /admin/service/EmbyPackages.json HTTP/1.1", host: ""

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I am getting this error. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

mb3admin  | - - [30/May/2024:07:45:46 +0000] "GET /admin/service/EmbyPackages.json HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "-" "-"
mb3admin  | 2024/05/30 07:45:46 [error] 29#29: *15 open() "/etc/nginx/html/admin/service/EmbyPackages.json" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server:, request: "GET /admin/service/EmbyPackages.json HTTP/1.1", host: ""

You probably reforwarded : "" and not ""

do NOT reroute "www".

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DRON4eg commented Jul 3, 2024

Good afternoon, can you tell me if anyone has emby tizen working on samsung tv?
I'm asking for a licence for some reason, but emby android tv doesn't :)

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reddysridhar95 commented Jul 3, 2024

hey i have pihole set up
i don't know where to put the dns step mentioned and what to put
my local ip where docker is
emby windows app not working still asking for premiere
i don't know if i have done everything well, i didn't see any errors
there is a gold coin on dashboard when i visit the

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

hey i have pihole set up i don't know where to put the dns step mentioned and what to put my local ip where docker is

You should have "local DNS records" menu somewhere in you pihole.
As a new entry :

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hey i have pihole set up i don't know where to put the dns step mentioned and what to put my local ip where docker is

You should have "local DNS records" menu somewhere in you pihole. As a new entry :

thanks i did this and when i open it opens and i can setup but when i open it is asking for username pass
and the username pass i setup in the localhost not working

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

You probable did not understand how it works and the purpose of setting to docker container running fake license validator

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any help?
should recreate everything?

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

From cmd console :


should resolve

from a web browser, should show something like :

You also must patch Windows Emby theather too, like said in the tutorial.

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after ping i get this
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

done windows emby too

when i open it is redirecting to emby website

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

You probably have DNS over HTTPS enabled on your browser, or have a crap browser like Edge... Try Firefox, with DoH Disabled.

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tried different browsers, devices also
same redirecting to emby

ill give you my setup
i am running proxmox with casaos as lxc
in casaos is where i am running this docker - this lxc ip is
i have pi hole on another lxc where i put the dns
Screenshot 2024-07-04 012926
now i am on a laptop with proxmox opened in web ui
i also edited the /etc/hosts
Screenshot 2024-07-04 013121

now can you guide me where i am going wrong

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

I don't know, if you followed all the steps correctly, it should work I guess.

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I don't know, if you followed all the steps correctly, it should work I guess.

Thanks for the help

even though is still redirecting to
the emby desktop application somehow working now
android and web are also working after i set dns in wifi settings to ip of pihole

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 3, 2024

Well of course all devices from your network have to use your pihole as dns resolver.
at least those running Emby...

Your DHCP server should give your PiHole as DNS server.

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Nelson-E commented Jul 3, 2024

Good afternoon, can you tell me if anyone has emby tizen working on samsung tv? I'm asking for a licence for some reason, but emby android tv doesn't :)

My Samsung TV don't ask for a license, but it says I don't have one and make me wait 10 seconds to use the app. I can use the app, but without any of the licensed features like skip intro.

I don't think anyone got non-android TVs apps working.

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DRON4eg commented Jul 3, 2024

Good afternoon, can you tell me if anyone has emby tizen working on samsung tv? I'm asking for a licence for some reason, but emby android tv doesn't :)

My Samsung TV don't ask for a license, but it says I don't have one and make me wait 10 seconds to use the app. I can use the app, but without any of the licensed features like skip intro.

I don't think anyone got non-android TVs apps working.

I seem to have everything working fine, but once when connecting to the server it says that it needs a licence and also says the same when trying to enter ether (iptv).
I don't understand how to trick the application as it should request activation status on the same server, but either it doesn't see that the server is already activated or the application itself goes somewhere else for the licence.
I would like to understand where it goes and try the same way as with the server.

But according to the logs in the DNS TV resolves the domain, but does not make an attempt to connect to it (no activity in nginx).

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 4, 2024

On AndroidTV there is an option to ignore invalid SSL Certificate.
And it is mandatory with our self signed certificate.
I bet there is no such option on Smart TVs ... ?

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DRON4eg commented Jul 4, 2024

On AndroidTV there is an option to ignore invalid SSL Certificate. And it is mandatory with our self signed certificate. I bet there is no such option on Smart TVs ... ?

Yes exactly, but maybe it is possible to modify the application somehow by replacing the domain it goes to?
Like we did by replacing the dns name in the Emby.Web.dll file
For example
FileBinReplace.exe Emby.Web.dll

And issue letsencrypt certificate for your domain. :)

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 4, 2024

Well, good luck with it... If it is like on Xbox, all packages are signed and available only from official Store... unless you find an exploit to hack the TV/console, you won't be able to "modify" the application...
Android(TV) is the exception, as you can install your own sideloaded APKs...

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DRON4eg commented Jul 4, 2024

Well, good luck with it... If it is like on Xbox, all packages are signed and available only from official Store... unless you find an exploit to hack the TV/console, you won't be able to "modify" the application... Android(TV) is the exception, as you can install your own sideloaded APKs...

Here they tell you how to put an app on samsung tizen via "developer" mode.

It's all about downloading the package, uploading it to a flash drive, connecting it to the TV and that's it, the app is installed automatically.

But I don't know how to get into the package with the application and unlock it ((((

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OrpheeGT commented Jul 4, 2024

Inside there is a userwidget folder.
Inside it there are 2 files.

  • emby.tmg
  • widget.license

You can extract emby.tmg with 7z :

7z x emby.tmg      

7-Zip (z) 23.01 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2023 Igor Pavlov : 2023-06-20
 64-bit locale=fr_FR.UTF-8 Threads:8 OPEN_MAX:8192, ASM

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 20234240 bytes (20 MiB)

Extracting archive: emby.tmg
Path = emby.tmg
Type = SquashFS
Physical Size = 20234240
Headers Size = 21089
File System = SquashFS 4.0
Method = ZLIB
Cluster Size = 131072
Big-endian = -
Created = 2024-07-02 20:06:58
Code Page = UTF-8

Everything is Ok

Folders: 151
Files: 613
Size:       26045921
Compressed: 20234240

But then you are on your own.

Edit :

It's useful if you want to decrypt to see "what's inside?", but any change cause signature/license to be wrong.

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I repeat this guide. It there okay? In dashboard icon which tells you that premium in activated, but in emby premier page seems not good.
Maybe I need key with specific lenght?

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DRON4eg commented Jul 22, 2024

Hi, I repeat this guide. It there okay? In dashboard icon which tells you that premium in activated, but in emby premier page seems not good. Maybe I need key with specific lenght? embykey dsbrd

check that it normally resolves to the local address from the machine on which the emby server is running.

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Everything works except that offline media download on local network requires an active internet connection. Is there any way around this?

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