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Created November 26, 2013 01:32
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Skuld test
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:josql:jar:1.5 in central (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:josql:jar:1.5 in clojars (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:josql:jar:1.5 in (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:josql:jar:1.5 in fusesource.m2 (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:gentlyweb-utils:jar:1.5 in central (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:gentlyweb-utils:jar:1.5 in clojars (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:gentlyweb-utils:jar:1.5 in (
Could not find artifact net.sf.josql:gentlyweb-utils:jar:1.5 in fusesource.m2 (
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