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Forked from attilah/X.Y.Z.Sources.csproj
Last active November 21, 2019 17:10
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X.Y.Z.Sources nuget package (with pre-processor transformations support)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Text;
namespace PackagePrep
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length > 3 ||
args[0].Equals("tokenize", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && args.Length != 3 ||
args[0].Equals("nuspec", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("PackagePrep [tokenize|nuspec] [project-directory] (rootNamespace)");
Console.WriteLine($"PackagePrep {string.Join(' ', args)}");
void ReplaceFileInArchive(ZipArchiveEntry entry, string content)
using (var stream = entry.Open())
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(stream))
string ReadFileInArchive(ZipArchiveEntry entry)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(entry.Open()))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
var command = args[0];
if (command.Equals("tokenize", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var path = args[1];
var rootNamespace = args[2];
Console.WriteLine("Tokenizing sources...");
Console.WriteLine("Path: " + path);
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.pp", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
var text = File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.UTF8);
text = text.Replace($"{rootNamespace}.", "$RootNamespace$.");
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var code = sb.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(file + ".pp", code, Encoding.UTF8);
if (command.Equals("nuspec"))
var path = args[1];
Console.WriteLine("Correcting nuspecs...");
Console.WriteLine("Path: " + path);
foreach (var package in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.nupkg", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Console.WriteLine("Found package: " + package);
using (var archive = ZipFile.Open(package, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
for (int i = archive.Entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var entry = archive.Entries[i];
var file = new FileInfo(entry.FullName);
if (file.Extension == ".nuspec")
var before = ReadFileInArchive(entry);
Console.Write("Found .nuspec: " + file.Name + "...");
var updated = before
.Replace("exclude=\"Build,Analyzers\"", string.Empty) // fix PackageReferences
.Replace("buildAction=\"Content\"", string.Empty); // fix file tags
if (before == updated)
Console.WriteLine(" not modified.");
ReplaceFileInArchive(entry, updated);
var after = ReadFileInArchive(entry);
if (after != updated)
throw new IOException("The update process did not change the .nuspec.");
<Import Project="Sdk.props" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'">
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='PackageSources'">
<None Remove="**\*.pp" /><!-- Don't show generated files during regular development -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'">
<None Include="**\*.pp" Exclude="obj\**" />
<Compile Remove="**\*.cs" /><!-- Don't show source files during package deployment -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'">
<Content Include="**\*.pp" Exclude="obj\**">
<EmbeddedResource Update="@(EmbeddedResource)">
<PackageReference Remove="@(PackageReference)" />
<Import Project="Sdk.targets" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
<Target Name="Compile" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'" />
<Target Name="CopyFilesToOutputDirectory" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'" />
<!-- Unfortunately the .nuspec file is not valid for .pp files due to the attributes added by None/Content/Compile -->
<Target Name="PostPack" AfterTargets="Pack" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='PackageSources'">
<Exec Command="dotnet run --project &quot;.\PackagePrep\PackagePrep.csproj&quot; -- nuspec $(ProjectDir)bin\$(Configuration)" />
<!-- Transform all .cs files into .cs.pp files with $RootNamespace$ -->
dotnet run --project &quot.\PackagePrep\PackagePrep.csproj&quot; -- tokenize $(RootNamespace) $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)
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Thanks for sharing, just what I was looking for!

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