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Last active April 4, 2018 10:51
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/// A `Collection` that contains the same elements as this one,
/// in the reversed order.
public protocol ReversedCollectionProtocol: BidirectionalCollection {
associatedtype Elements: Collection
where Elements.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
var elements: Elements { get }
extension ReversedCollection: ReversedCollectionProtocol {
public var elements: Base {
return _base
extension ReversedCollectionProtocol {
// Reversing a reversed collection returns the original collection.
public func reversed() -> Elements {
return elements
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
Self: BidirectionalCollection,
Elements: ReversedCollectionProtocol {
// Reversing a lazy reversed collection returns a lazy representation of the original collection.
public func reversed() -> LazyCollection<Elements.Elements> {
return elements.elements.lazy
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
Self: BidirectionalCollection,
Elements: BidirectionalCollection {
// Reversing a lazy collection returns a lazy representation of
// the reversed representation of the original collection.
public func reversed() -> LazyCollection<ReversedCollection<Elements>> {
return elements.reversed().lazy
// MARK:- Tests
func printtype(_ name: String, _ value: Any) {
print(type(of: value))
let array = [0,1,3,4]
let reversed = array.reversed()
let reversedreversed = reversed.reversed()
printtype("array:", array)
printtype("reversed:", reversed)
printtype("reversed reversed:", reversedreversed)
let oldreversedreversed: ReversedCollection<ReversedCollection<[Int]>> = reversed.reversed()
printtype("old reversed reversed:", oldreversedreversed)
let newreversedreversed: [Int] = reversed.reversed()
printtype("new reversed reversed:", newreversedreversed)
let lazy = array.lazy
let lazyreversed = lazy.reversed()
let lazyreversedreversed = lazyreversed.reversed()
printtype("lazy:", lazy)
printtype("lazy reversed:", lazyreversed)
printtype("lazy reversed reversed:", lazyreversedreversed)
let oldlazyreversedreversed: LazyCollection<ReversedCollection<ReversedCollection<[Int]>>> = lazyreversed.reversed()
printtype("old lazy reversed reversed:", oldlazyreversedreversed)
let newlazyreversedreversed: LazyCollection<[Int]> = lazyreversed.reversed()
printtype("new lazy reversed reversed:", newlazyreversedreversed)
let reversedlazy = reversed.lazy
let reversedlazyreversed = reversedlazy.reversed()
printtype("lazy:", lazy)
printtype("reversed lazy:", reversedlazy)
printtype("reversed lazy reversed:", reversedlazyreversed)
let oldreversedlazyreversed: LazyCollection<ReversedCollection<ReversedCollection<[Int]>>> = reversedlazy.reversed()
printtype("old reversed lazy reversed:", oldreversedlazyreversed)
let newreversedlazyreversed: LazyCollection<[Int]> = reversedlazy.reversed()
printtype("new reversed lazy reversed:", newreversedlazyreversed)
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danielctull commented Apr 4, 2018

I've tried changing the extension on LazyCollectionProtocol so that its Elements is ReversedCollection (to avoid needed this unwanted new ReversedCollectionProtocol protocol), but it requires the generic type to be specified. I've tried to use BidirectionalCollection:

extension LazyCollectionProtocol
  Self: BidirectionalCollection,
  Elements == ReversedCollection<BidirectionalCollection>

but I get the error:

using 'BidirectionalCollection' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'BidirectionalCollection' is not supported

I'm not too sure how else I can constrain this extension. I think ideally it'd be nice to add a new generic into the mix, something like the following:

extension LazyCollectionProtocol
  Self: BidirectionalCollection,
  Elements == ReversedCollection<T> {

  // Reversing a lazy reversed collection returns a lazy representation of the original collection.
  public func reversed() -> LazyCollection<T> {
    return elements._base.lazy

but unsurprisingly this gives an an error

use of undeclared type 'T'

I've looked through the Language Reference section in the Swift book (for version 4.1) around Extensions and Generic Where Clauses to see if there was anything in the language that I was missing that could help add this constraint, but I can't find anything there.

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