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Last active February 19, 2017 09:31
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Remox (Redux in MobX)
import { autorun } from "mobx";
import { createStore, Action, Reducer } from "./remox"
interface Person { firstName: string; lastName: string; }
interface SetFirstName { type: "SET_FIRST_NAME", newFirstName: string; }
interface SetLastName { type: "SET_LAST_NAME", newLastName: string; }
function personReducer(state:Person, action: SetFirstName | SetLastName) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, firstName: action.newFirstName };
return { ...state, lastName: action.newLastName };
return state;
const person = createStore({ firstName: "", lastName: "" }, personReducer);
const quit = autorun(() => console.log(person.getState()));
person.dispatch({ type: "SET_FIRST_NAME", newFirstName: "Homer" });
person.dispatch({ type: "SET_LAST_NAME", newLastName: "Simpson" });
import { observable, runInAction } from "mobx";
// An action has a string property called type
export interface Action<Type extends string> { readonly type: Type; }
// Reducer evolves state as instructed by an action
export type Reducer<State, Action> = (state: State, action: Action) => State;
export interface Store<State, Action> {
getState(): State;
dispatch(action: Action): void;
// Stores a State value and uses reducer that accepts Action (typically a union of Action<T> variants)
export function createStore<State, Action>(init: State, reducer: Reducer<State, Action>) {
const state = observable.shallowBox<State>(init);
return {
getState(): State {
return state.get();
dispatch(action: Action) {
runInAction(() => state.set(reducer(state.get(), action)));
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