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Created March 13, 2019 18:33
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nim error illegal capture
import sugar
import argparse
import colorize
import strformat
import strutils
import tables
proc print_error*(msg: string) =
stderr.write_line "Error".bgWhite.fgRed & fmt": {msg}".fgRed
import streams
proc infer_delim(header_line: string): string =
# Attempt to identify the delimiter
if header_line.split("\t").len > 1:
return "\t"
elif header_line.split(",").len > 1:
return ","
elif header_line.split("|").len > 1:
return "|"
proc parse_header(path: string, sep = ","): seq[string] =
var split_sep: string
var f = openFileStream(filename = path, mode = fmRead)
if not isNil(f):
var line = f.readLine()
if sep == "<auto>":
split_sep = infer_delim(line)
split_sep = sep
var c: uint32 = 0
result = lc[x.strip(chars = {'\"', '\''}) | (x <- line.split(split_sep)), string]
proc stack(files: seq[string], sep: var string, output_sep: var string) =
stack_header: seq[string]
match_col: int
# Identify columns
for f in files:
for col in parse_header(f, sep):
if (col in stack_header) == false:
stack_header.add col
if output_sep in ["tab", "tabs", "\t"]:
output_sep = "\t"
# Look for file lists
#if files.len == 1 and files[0].endsWith(".list"):
# files = openFileStream(filename = files[0], mode = fmRead)
# Collate collumns
var header_out = false
for path in files:
# Print header
var header = parse_header(path)
var col_out = newSeq[string](stack_header.len)
var f = openFileStream(filename = path, mode = fmRead)
var ln = 0
if not isNil(f):
var line = ""
while f.readLine(line):
if ln > 0:
var cols = lc[x.strip(chars = {'\"', '\''}) | (x <- line.split(sep)), string]
for ncol in 0..<header.len:
match_col = stack_header.find(header[ncol])
if match_col > -1:
col_out[match_col] = cols[ncol]
stdout.write_line col_out.join(output_sep)
elif ln == 0:
if sep == "<auto>":
sep = infer_delim(line)
if output_sep == "<auto>":
output_sep = sep
if header_out == false:
# Infer line delimiter of first file and output header
stdout.write_line stack_header.join(output_sep)
header_out = true
ln += 1
var p = newParser("tbl"):
help("Table Utilities")
arg("files", nargs= -1, help="List files to stack")
option("-t", "--threads", help="Threads")
option("-d", "--delimiter", help="What separater is used", default="<auto>")
option("-p", "--output-delimiter", help="Separater to output; Defaults to that found in first file", default="<auto>")
flag("-s", "--slugify", help="Slugify field names")
flag("-g", "--group", help="Add a column for the source field")
flag("--debug", help="Debug")
if commandLineParams().len == 1:
elif opts.files.len == 0:
print_error("No files specified")
stack(opts.files, opts.delimiter, opts.outputDelimiter)
if commandLineParams().find("--help") > -1 or commandLineParams().find("-h") > -1 or commandLineParams().len == 0:
var opts = p.parse(commandLineParams())
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