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Created September 4, 2014 08:48
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CodeMirror: indent with tab or spaces
"Tab": function (cm) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) {
var sel = editor.getSelection("\n");
// Indent only if there are multiple lines selected, or if the selection spans a full line
if (sel.length > 0 && (sel.indexOf("\n") > -1 || sel.length === cm.getLine(cm.getCursor().line).length)) {
if (cm.options.indentWithTabs)
"Shift-Tab": function (cm) {
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@cnlohr this is from 10 years ago - the API might have changed

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cnlohr commented Jul 8, 2024

It looks like you have to make a new extensions, based on the baseextensions now, like this:

const baseExtensions = {
	lineNumbers: lineNumbers(),
	highlightActiveLineGutter: highlightActiveLineGutter(),
	highlightSpecialChars: highlightSpecialChars(),
	history: history(),
	foldGutter: foldGutter(),
	drawSelection: drawSelection(),
	dropCursor: dropCursor(),
	allowMultipleSelections: EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true),
	indentOnInput: indentOnInput(),
	syntaxHighlighting: syntaxHighlighting(defaultHighlightStyle, {
		fallback: true,
	//bracketMatching: bracketMatching(),
	//closeBrackets: closeBrackets(),
	autocompletion: autocompletion(),
	rectangularSelection: rectangularSelection(),
	crosshairCursor: crosshairCursor(),
	highlightActiveLine: highlightActiveLine(),
	highlightSelectionMatches: highlightSelectionMatches(),
	keymap: keymap.of([
		indentWithTab,    <<<
	indentUnit : indentUnit.of("\t"),   <<<

It can be toggled with:

	const filteredExtensions = filteredBase(showLineNos ? [] : ["indentUnit"]);
		effects: StateEffect.reconfigure.of([...filteredExtensions, cpp()]),

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