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How to set up git to use the GPG Suite

GPG and git on macOS


No need for homebrew or anything like that. Works with and the command line.

  1. Install -- I'd suggest to do a customized install and deselect GPGMail.
  2. Create or import a key -- see below for
  3. Run gpg --list-secret-keys and look for sec, use the key ID for the next step
  4. Configure git to use GPG -- replace the key with the one from gpg --list-secret-keys
git config --global gpg.program /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2
git config --global user.signingkey A6B167E1 
git config --global commit.gpgsign true 
  1. Optionally configure annotated tags to be GPG signed
git config --global tag.forceSignAnnotated true
  1. Add this line to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pinentry-program /usr/local/MacGPG2/libexec/
  1. Add this line to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

Import key to GPG on another host

% keybase pgp export
% keybase pgp export -q CB86A866E870EE00 | gpg --import
% keybase pgp export -q CB86A866E870EE00 --secret | gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import

Add public GPG key to GitHub

% open
% keybase pgp export -q CB86A866E440EE00 | pbcopy

See Also

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@RichardBronosky I’d never install homebrew on my system. It messes up my system. It adds a slew of security problems.

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@danieleggert What security issues does homebrew open up?

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For some reason this isn't working for me - I still get the:

error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

after trying to commit with auto-sign

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shal commented Jan 2, 2018

Thank you soooo much!

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Excellent thank you!

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mu-hun commented Mar 16, 2018

thank you :D

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KIVagant commented May 3, 2018


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ossareh commented May 9, 2018

@shreyasminocha if you use homebrew brew cask install gpg-suite will give you the same setup as installing the software from the site. In which case these steps work perfectly.

Thanks @danieleggert and @osteslag

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sarkis commented Jun 13, 2018

For anyone else having this issue after following the directions:

error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

You need to remember to restart the gpg-agent - running this will kill the agent and start next time it is needed:

$ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent

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mverleg commented Aug 4, 2018

@sarkis Thanks, restarting was the missing step for me

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mrchief commented Oct 17, 2018

Works like a charm! Thanks!

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Thank you 👍

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Thanks a lot

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@sarkis Thanks for the restart.

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41tair commented Sep 25, 2019


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dteok commented Oct 9, 2019

Initially, brew install gpg. But I had to undo this.
Then I installed gpg as instructed above.
Works perfectly now. Thank you so much!

I wonder though... I never had this problem and I don't know git is complaining about 'cannot run gpg...'.
I remember the only thing I did differently before all these happened was that I configured my dotfiles to change the way my terminal looks --
Can anyone say to have done the same? Because in a new (factory reset) laptop and a fresh installed git I believe you won't run into this problem.

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Thanks very much. This tutorial works flawlessly on 10.15.6 on a fresh install.
Now I can finally commit from Terminal, Fork & Xcode and everything is signed.

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If you use Homebrew, and prefer a leaner installation (GPG Suite comes with a bunch of tools you don't need), it suffices to run

brew install gpg
brew install pinentry-mac

If you have a standard Homebrew installation, and /usr/local/bin is on your PATH, then the only configuration options you need to do are

git config --global user.signingkey <key>
git config --global commit.gpgsign true

Then the line you need to add to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf is

pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac

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Those who are struggling after this command --> git config --global gpg.program /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 ,

  1. Try typing which gpg on command line to get the path like this:


  1. Use output to re-run the command: git config --global gpg.program /usr/local/bin/gpg

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thanks! works great (macOS big Sur / github desktop 2.6)

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gfortil commented Aug 11, 2021

gpgconf --kill gpg-agent

This works for me. I completely forgot about restarting it. Thanks :)

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It appears in Homebrew new directory is /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac

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2. git config --global gpg.program /usr/local/bin/gpg

Working. Thanks

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rifont commented Sep 17, 2023

If you have already followed the instructions on Git to Generate a new GPG key, and you now want to use GPGTools to manage your key in the keychain, you can use this command to export from gpg (which GnuPG uses) and into gpg2 (which GPGTools uses).

> gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   rsa4096 2023-09-16 [SC]
uid           [ unknown] Joe Bloggs <>

> gpg --export-secret-key <YOUR_SECRET_KEY_ID> | gpg2 --import

After running command you will see the key imported into GPG Keychain UI with type sec/pub. I was then able to sign commits automatically via pinentry without entering a password (such as on Github Desktop).


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