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Created March 6, 2023 13:23
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Experimental determination of bustabit's house edge
package main
import (
var salt = []byte("0000000000000000004d6ec16dafe9d8370958664c1dc422f452892264c59526")
const (
seed = "9f57575fd54cd441e962448537e155ace9555df10cd27fa817bbcaf48a59ebcf" // from game #1, but could be anything
games = 10_000_000_000
wager = 100
target = 2_00 // represents 2.00x
func main() {
hash, err := hex.DecodeString(seed)
if err != nil {
profit := 0
for game := 1; game <= games; game++ {
multiplier := bustFromHash(hash)
if multiplier >= target {
// we won
profit += (wager * (target - 100)) / 100
} else {
// we lost
profit -= wager
if game%1_000_000 == 0 {
progress := float64(game) / float64(games) * 100
wagered := game * wager
impliedEdge := (float64(profit) / float64(wagered)) * -100.0
fmt.Printf("%.2f%%\t%d bits\t%.4f%%\n", progress, wagered, impliedEdge)
hashArray := sha256.Sum256([]byte(hex.EncodeToString(hash)))
hash = hashArray[:]
wagered := games * wager
fmt.Printf("Wagered:\t\t%d bits\n", wagered/100)
fmt.Printf("P&L:\t\t\t%d bits\n", profit)
fmt.Printf("Implied house edge:\t%.4f%%", (float64(profit)/float64(wagered))*-100.0)
func bustFromHash(hash []byte) float64 {
const nBits = 52 // number of most significant bits to use
// 1. HMAC_SHA256(key=salt, message=hash)
hmacHash := hmac.New(sha256.New, salt)
seed := hmacHash.Sum(nil)
// 2. r = seed >> 204 (52 bits remaining)
seedInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(seed)
seedInt.Rsh(seedInt, sha256.Size*8-nBits)
r := seedInt.Uint64()
// 3. X = r / 2^52
X := float64(r) / math.Pow(2, nBits) // uniformly distributed in [0; 1)
// 4. X = 99 / (1-X)
X = 99 / (1 - X)
return math.Max(100, math.Floor(X))
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ghost commented Feb 27, 2024


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