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danielewood / oci-all-shapes-all-regions.json
Created November 12, 2022 22:48
List of all shapes and specs in all OCI regions.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"region": "af-johannesburg-1",
"availability_domain": "AF-JOHANNESBURG-1-AD-1",
"shapes": [
"baseline_ocpu_utilizations": null,
"billing_type": "PAID",
"gpu_description": null,
"gpus": 0,
danielewood / oci-all-region-free-shapes.json
Created November 12, 2022 22:04
List of all regions, ADs, and free tier shapes
"region": "af-johannesburg-1",
"availability_domain": "AF-JOHANNESBURG-1-AD-1",
"shapes": [
"shape": "VM.Standard.A1.Flex",
"billing_type": "LIMITED_FREE"
danielewood / Build iOS 15 apps with
Last active October 21, 2021 17:25
Allow Building iOS 15+ compatible IPAs using Xcode 12.4, the last build for Catalina.
  1. Download the latest Xcode IPA.
  2. Unzip the XIP
  3. Rename to to (Genericized, so it works with 13, 13.1, etc)
  4. Move to /Applications
  5. Symlink the Device support from Xcode-beta into your Xcode 12.4 App:
MAX_iPhoneOS=$(ls | awk  'BEGIN{max=0}{if(($1)>max)  max=($1)}END {print max}')
sudo ln -s /Applications/${MAX_iPhoneOS}/ /Applications/

MAX_WatchOS=$(ls | awk  'BEGIN{max=0}{if(($1)>max)  max=($1)}END {print max}')

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am danielewood on github.
  • I am danielewood ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCXuyW3z9f_ucPMEkjnJCxQea-n_GoajM-AjJvkVNKDKgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

danielewood / 68-fix-intel-scu.rules
Last active January 3, 2019 23:55 — forked from dghodgson/89-fix-intel-scu.rules
Make address assignment reliable across drive swaps and reboots when paired with HP SAS Expanders
### Reset the device's path variables and symlinks
KERNEL=="sd*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk" SUBSYSTEM=="block", DRIVERS=="isci", PROGRAM="/usr/local/bin/ $kernel $env{DEVPATH} $env{ID_PATH} $env{ID_WWN} $env{ID_SERIAL}", ENV{ID_PATH_TAG}="%c{1}", ENV{ID_PATH}="%c{4}", SYMLINK="disk/by-id/%c{2} disk/by-id/%c{3} disk/by-path/%c{4}"
KERNEL=="sd*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition" SUBSYSTEM=="block", DRIVERS=="isci", PROGRAM="/usr/local/bin/ $kernel $env{DEVPATH} $env{ID_PATH} $env{ID_WWN} $env{ID_SERIAL}", ENV{ID_PATH_TAG}="%c{1}", ENV{ID_PATH}="%c{4}", SYMLINK="disk/by-id/%c{2}-part%n disk/by-id/%c{3}-part%n disk/by-path/%c{4}-part%n"
### No modifications to symlinks or properties, used for testing
#KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", DRIVERS=="isci", PROGRAM="/usr/local/bin/ $kernel $env{DEVPATH} $env{ID_PATH} $env{ID_WWN} $env{ID_SERIAL}"
while read -r line; do
#set migrate to a non-zero/one value
#regex patterns to use later
# Match lines beginning with MIG(case sensitive), optional whitespace, then a hyphen, then anything else to the end of the line

Petabyte Scale Storage

Scaling to Petabyte levels of storage, and then adding duplication on top presents significant challenges in managing multiple layers of technology. There will be significant risks that can only be evaluated with limited test solutions and datasets to see how behavior is in the real world. A high level concern, because of where in the stack deduplication exists on the Linux side, is that distributed parity is useless in conjunction with a Linux solution. The result is a maximum storage efficiency of approximately 33% with Gluster and Deduplication, resulting in approximately $200/TB. This is not the case with a Microsoft solution where efficiency reaches 66% at seven nodes, for a cost of approximately $100/TB. The Microsoft solution also presents significant limitations in flexibility.

I have not yet extensively researched CephFS and BeeGFS, but I suspect the end result with both of them will be similar to Gluster.

Most of my notes are based on the documentation provided by Red Ha

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: EM7565
Revision: SWI9X50C_01.07.02.00 6c91bc jenkins 2018/06/13 23:08:16
MEID: 3592xxxxxxxxxx
-- This Lua script for PowerDNS will provide on-the-fly DNS Translation of IPv4 "A" Records.
-- This is to facilitate DNS resolution across a massive 1:1 NAT for network mergers and IP deconfliction.
-- The example configuration below translates and to and
-- Use this in conjunction with something like the following iptables setup:
-- License: Unlicense / CCZero / WTFPL / Public Domain
-- Author: Daniel Wood /
NTPCLST02::> set -privilege advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: yes
NTPCLST02::*> security certificate show -vserver NTPCLST02
Vserver Serial Number Common Name Type
---------- --------------- -------------------------------------- ------------