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Last active April 28, 2023 01:50
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  • Save danielgross/de9d68e4a7e50a044b01b2f797bae21f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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View all day events in upcoming year week by week
# Export all calendars as zip file from Gcal to a folder (e.g. ~/Downloads). Run this file there.
# Requires icalendar and isoweek.
import csv
from icalendar import Calendar, Event
import datetime
import glob
import isoweek
import subprocess
import os
import collections
years = [2021, 2022, 2023]
print("Taking you to to download your calendar. OK?")
input('Press enter when you have downloaded the zip file.')
# I presume you have downloaded the zip file to ~/Downloads
downloads_folder = os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads')
# Find the most recent zip file
zip_file = max(glob.glob('%s/*.zip' % downloads_folder), key=os.path.getctime)
# Unzip to ~/Downloads/tmpcalendar
print('Unzipping %s...' % zip_file)['unzip', zip_file, '-d', os.path.join(downloads_folder, 'tmpcalendar')])
calendar_folder = os.path.join(downloads_folder, 'tmpcalendar')
# Set the input and output file paths
ics_files = glob.glob('%s/*.ics' % calendar_folder)
csv_file_path = os.path.join(calendar_folder, 'calendar.csv')
# skip birthday calendars
ics_files = [x for x in ics_files if 'Birthday' not in x]
print("Found %s ics files" % len(ics_files))
weeks_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
# add every week in the years to the weeks_dict
for year in years:
# iterate through all the weeks in the year
for week in isoweek.Week.weeks_of_year(year):
weeks_dict[week] = []
# Loop through all the ics files
for ics_file in ics_files:
# loop through all events
calendar_name = ics_file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0].replace('.ical', '')
for event in Calendar.from_ical(open(ics_file, 'rb').read()).walk('vevent'):
# Get the start date of the event
event_start = event.get('dtstart').dt
if event_start.year not in years:
all_day = getattr(event_start, 'hour', None) is None
# if not all day event, skip, unless it is an event that contains "Flight"
if not all_day and 'Flight' not in event.get('summary'):
# get the week number of the event
week = event_start.isocalendar()[1]
# get the year of the event
year = event_start.isocalendar()[0]
# append to the weeks_dict
weeks_dict[isoweek.Week(year, week)].append([calendar_name, event])
weeks_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(weeks_dict.items()))
writer = csv.writer(open(csv_file_path, 'w'))
writer.writerow(['Week', 'Year', 'Event1', 'Event2', 'Event3',
'Event4', 'Event5', 'Event6', 'Event7'])
for week, events in weeks_dict.items():
# format week as something like Jan 1 - Jan 7
week_str = f'{week.monday().strftime("%b %d")} - {week.sunday().strftime("%b %d")}'
# format year as something like 2020
year_str = f'{week.year}'
row = [week_str, year_str]
for event in events:
# format event text as Summary (Calendar Name)
event_text = '%s (%s)' % (event[1].get('summary'), event[0])
if len(row) == 8:
print("Done! Output file is %s" % csv_file_path)
print("Taking you to import it to Google Sheets...")
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