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Created May 21, 2015 02:01
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package com.stripe.danielhfrank
import com.twitter.algebird.Monoid
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
class OverTimeMonoid[V: Monoid] extends Monoid[ Seq[(Long, V)]] {
override def zero: Seq[(Long, V)] = Seq.empty
* Arbitrarily start with l, and successively merge in each element of r
* @param l
* @param r
* @return
override def plus(l: Seq[(Long, V)], r: Seq[(Long, V)]): Seq[(Long, V)] = {
// r.foldLeft(l) { case(x,y) => mergeIn(x, y) }
tailRecMerge(List.empty[(Long, V)], l, r,[V],[V])
* General idea - save last seen value (which is total) from each side. Find min by Long,
* add in previous value from the *other* side, and then continue down the chain (with a
* new previous value as appropriate)
* @param l
* @param r
* @param lastL
* @param lastR
* @return
private def tailRecMerge(acc: List[(Long, V)], l: Seq[(Long, V)], r: Seq[(Long, V)], lastL: V, lastR: V): List[(Long, V)] = {
// val last =[V])
(l,r) match {
case (Nil, (rt, rv)::rs) => tailRecMerge((rt,, lastL))::acc, l, rs, lastL, rv)
case ((lt, lv)::ls, Nil) => tailRecMerge((lt,, lastR))::acc, r, ls, lastR, lv)
case((lt,lv)::ls, (rt,rv)::rs) =>
if(lt < rt){
tailRecMerge((lt,, lastR))::acc, ls, r, lv, lastR)
tailRecMerge((rt,, lastL))::acc, l, rs, lastL, rv)
case (Nil, Nil) => acc.reverse
class BatchingOverTimeMonoid[V: Monoid](batchSize: Int = 2048) extends OverTimeMonoid[V] {
val buf = mutable.Buffer[Seq[(Long, V)]]()
var acc = Seq.empty[(Long, V)]
* Buffer up batches and divide-and-conquer sum them when they fill up.
* Designed for case where we are summing together singleton lists - common
* because that is what you get from a single event/row, and because summing
* singleton lists means you don't have to do a sort.
* @param vs
* @return
override def sum(vs: TraversableOnce[Seq[(Long, V)]]): Seq[(Long, V)] = {
vs.foreach{ s =>
if (buf.size >= batchSize)
private def mergeAndClear() = {
acc = plus(acc, sumBuf(buf))
private def sumBuf(buf: mutable.Buffer[Seq[(Long, V)]]): Seq[(Long,V)] = {
if (buf.size < 3)
plus(sumBuf(buf.slice(0, buf.size / 2)), sumBuf(buf.slice(buf.size / 2, buf.size)))
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