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Last active November 21, 2022 03:49
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Examples of how to add custom conditions to Popup Maker v1.4+.
* Conditions are applied to popups based on the current page being viewing.
* Ex. Show Popup if the current page is ____ (AND/OR) ____
* All Conditions should return false by default AND only true if 100% matched.
* As a general rule of thumb when labeling your conditions,labels should
* represent a true result by default.
* Ex. Labeling `is_admin` as `Not on admin`, would be confusing, instead label
* it `On Admin` and use the negative button `(!)` when adding the condition to
* your popup.
* Take the following example.
* We want to show a popup when a password protected page is unlocked.
* post_password_required returns false when that happens, but is
* the only existing function to do so. In stead of making a condition
* called "Password Protected: Unlocked" we named it locked since that
* is what the function checks for.
* Now when using this condition you can just click the (!) or inverse
* of the selected condition meaning you want a false value.
add_filter( 'pum_get_conditions', 'pum_password_page_conditions' );
function pum_password_page_conditions( $conditions ) {
return array_merge( $conditions, array(
'password_page_unlocked' => array(
'group' => __( 'Pages' ), // Can match any existing group.
'name' => __( 'Password Protected: Locked' ), // Label to identify it in the list
'callback' => 'post_password_required', // Where the magic happens we will call post_password_required() in this case.
) );
* Conditions are applied to popups based on the current page being viewing.
* Ex. Show Popup if the current page is ____ (AND/OR) ____
* All Conditions should return false by default AND only true if 100% matched.
* As a general rule of thumb when labeling your conditions,labels should
* represent a true result by default.
* Ex. Labeling `is_admin` as `Not on admin`, would be confusing, instead label
* it `On Admin` and use the negative button `(!)` when adding the condition to
* your popup.
* If your condition needs additional information, such as selecting a specific
* language, page, category for instance, you can use the 'fields' key to define
* these extra options easily.
* Take the following example.
* The `pll_current_language( $lang )` function accepts a string lang to check
* and returns true if the current page matches.
* To give it a little flexibility, we are going to allow multiple languages per
* popup. This requires us to write a new function that will check each language
* selected and return true if any match the current page.
* The extra field will also have select2 enabled making it a smart select box.
* Now when using this condition you will get an additional seclectbox
* showing the available languages.
add_filter( 'pum_get_conditions', 'pum_polylang_conditions' );
function pum_polylang_conditions( $conditions ) {
return array_merge( $conditions, array(
'page_lang_selected' => array(
'group' => __( 'Pages' ),
'name' => __( 'Has Language: Selected' ),
'callback' => 'pum_check_lang',
'fields' => array(
'selected' => array(
'placeholder' => __( 'Select Languages' ),
'type' => 'select',
'multiple' => true,
'select2' => true,
'as_array' => true,
'options' => pum_lang_options(),
) );
* Returns true if the current page has the selected language
* @param $settings
* @return bool
function pum_check_lang( $settings ) {
// Always return true if the polylang plugin & function isn't loaded.
if ( ! function_exists( 'pll_current_language' ) ) {
return true;
// Static caching of a reusable value.
static $lang = null;
// Static caching of a reusable value.
if ( $lang === null ) {
$lang = pll_current_language( 'slug' );
// Sanity check to make sure that the 'selected' key is a valid array.
if ( ! isset( $settings['selected'] ) || ! is_array( $settings['selected'] ) ) {
$settings['selected'] = array();
// Check each selected language against the
foreach ( $settings['selected'] as $check ) {
// If the selected language matches return true.
if ( $lang == $check ) {
return true;
// If no languages matched, return false.
return false;
* Returns an option list of all available languages.
* Uses static cached variable to prevent multiple query hits.
* @return array Cached list of languages.
function pum_lang_options() {
global $polylang;
// Static caching of a reusable value.
static $langs = null;
// Prime empty cached value.
if ( $langs === null ) {
$langs = array();
if ( ! empty( $polylang ) && method_exists( $polylang, 'get_languages_list' ) ) {
$languages = $polylang->get_languages_list();
foreach ( $languages as $lang ) {
$langs[ $lang->name ] = $lang->slug;
} else if ( function_exists( 'pll_the_languages' ) ) {
foreach ( pll_the_languages( array( 'raw' => 1 ) ) as $lang ) {
$langs[ $lang['name'] ] = $lang['slug'];
// Return the cached value.
return $langs;
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