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Created June 7, 2012 02:08
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Fipy: Beer-Lambert law with multiple reflections
from __future__ import division
from fipy import *
# Grid things
N = 1000
D = 1
dx = D / N
m = Grid1D(nx=N, dx=dx)
I_right = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=1., name='I_right') # Intensity along the positive direction
I_left = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=1., name='I_left') # Intensity along the positive direction
# Constants
A = 0.
B = 1.
C = (1 - A)
alpha = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=5., name="absorption coefficient")
# Constraints --- problem here!
I_right.constrain( A * I_left[0] + C, where=m.getFacesLeft()) # x=0 BC
I_left.constrain( B * I_right[-1], where=m.getFacesRight()) # x=D BC
# Equations to solve
eq1 = ExponentialConvectionTerm(var=I_right) + ImplicitSourceTerm(alpha, var=I_right) == 0
eq2 = -ExponentialConvectionTerm(var=I_left) + ImplicitSourceTerm(alpha, var=I_left) == 0
# Beer-lambert (holds when A and B are small)
beer_lambert = CellVariable(mesh=m, name='beer_lambert', value=numerix.exp(-alpha * m.x))
# Analytical expression for the differential equation above
analytical = CellVariable(mesh=m, name='analytical', value=-( B * numerix.exp( 2 * alpha * m.x ) + numerix.exp( 2 * alpha * D ) ) * C * numerix.exp( -alpha * m.x ) / ( A * B - numerix.exp( 2 * alpha * D ) ))
eq = eq1 & eq2
step = 0
while step < 10:
print step
res= eq.sweep()
step += 1
vi = Viewer(vars=(beer_lambert, analytical, I_left + I_right))
#vi = Viewer(vars=(I_left + I_right))
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There is an issue with setting boundary conditions correctly in this example -- don't use!

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