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Created September 30, 2016 03:34
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My first attempt at a reader monad to provide the equivalent of DI; pretty sure this isn't right
namespace ReaderMonad
// -- begin code lifted from #er demo --
type ReaderM<'d, 'out> = 'd -> 'out
module Reader =
// basic operations
let run dep (rm : ReaderM<_,_>) = rm dep
let constant (c : 'c) : ReaderM<_,'c> = fun _ -> c
// lifting of functions and state
let lift1 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'out) : 'a -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> = fun a dep -> f dep a
let lift2 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'b -> 'out) : 'a -> 'b -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> = fun a b dep -> f dep a b
let lift3 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'out) : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> = fun a b c dep -> f dep a b c
let liftDep (proj : 'd2 -> 'd1) (rm : ReaderM<'d1, 'output>) : ReaderM<'d2, 'output> = proj >> rm
// functor
let fmap (f : 'a -> 'b) (g : 'c -> 'a) : ('c -> 'b) = g >> f
let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>) : ReaderM<'d,'b> = rm >> f
let (<?>) = map
// applicative-functor
let apply (f : ReaderM<'d, 'a->'b>) (rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>) : ReaderM<'d, 'b> =
fun dep ->
let f' = run dep f
let a = run dep rm
f' a
let (<*>) = apply
// monad
let bind (rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>) (f : 'a -> ReaderM<'d,'b>) : ReaderM<'d, 'b> =
fun dep ->
f (rm dep)
|> run dep
let (>>=) = bind
type ReaderMBuilder internal () =
member __.Bind(m, f) = m >>= f
member __.Return(v) = constant v
member __.ReturnFrom(v) = v
member __.Delay(f) = f ()
let Do = ReaderMBuilder()
// -- end code lifted from #er demo --
open Reader
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
module Test =
let private r = RethinkDB.R
let private conn = r.Connection().Hostname("my-server").Db("myWebLog").Connect() :> IConnection
let rethinkM = lift1 (fun () -> fun () -> conn) ()
module DataAccess =
open System.Linq
open Test
let private r = RethinkDB.R
let getWebLogs (rethink : ReaderM<unit, IConnection>) =
let o = Do {
System.Console.WriteLine("Getting connection")
let! conn = rethink
System.Console.WriteLine("Getting weblogs")
let webLogs =
async {
System.Console.WriteLine("in async")
return! r.Table("WebLog").RunCursorAsync conn |> Async.AwaitTask
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
System.Console.WriteLine("Returning weblogs")
return webLogs.ToList ()
o ()
module Main =
let main argv =
System.Console.WriteLine "Running now"
let q = DataAccess.getWebLogs Test.rethinkM
q |> Seq.iter (fun x -> System.Console.WriteLine (sprintf "%O" x))
System.Console.WriteLine "Done"
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My code starts in line 40.

Things I think are wrong with this:

  1. I have to specify the type of the monad in the getWebLogs() function
  2. The main function just uses the monad (instance?) from the Test module
  3. Nothing is composed

Things I know are wrong with this, but don't care for these purposes:

  1. x, o, q, etc.
  2. All the System.Console.WriteLine calls; the thing was dying on the let! in getWebLogs() until I assigned it and executed it

Feel free to provide constructive comments on how this can be more compositional, while still providing the "conn" that's needed as the parameter to pass to .RunResultAsync().

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Thanks for this code and your example, this was the first time I'd ever really tried to take on the reader monad, and now it makes a lot more sense to me.

Here's my take on your example, and it addresses all of your concerns. I left the ReaderM implementation uncopied, this is just the app code.

The problem partly stems from the typing you have for your monad. Right now you're asking for a unit as a dependency, and when you get that unit you use it to derive an IConnection. Instead you should be thinking more like "I need a connection, and when I get one I'll give back an Async<Cursor<'a>>". This means that we need to be looking for a Reader<IConnection, Async<Cursor<'a>>> or a more filled-in type.

So from here I took a step back and thought about the core logic. I pulled out the IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'a>> part into the getLogsUsingConnection function to call out that that was really the business logic.

From there I needed to provide the connection somehow, so I used getWebLogs to insert getLogsUsingConnection into the reader monad, pulling out an IConnection from the 'container', which in this case the container was just the IConnection.

Then, in main, I just had to init all the dependencies (only the connection), like you would at any natural aggregation root.
Once my dependencies were initialized, then I could run my operation using them and the operation would pull out the dependencies that it required.

Looking at it now, the CE version of 'getWebLogs' isn't even necessary, we can just call liftDep directly to get Reader<IConnection, Async<Cursor<'a>>>.

open Reader
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net

module DataAccess =
  open System.Linq

  // this is the missing piece.  You need a mapping from your container to the actual dependency.
  // for this simple example, the container is just an IConnection, so we just use id
  // I just spell it out here for convenience
  let getConnFromContainer container = container

  // again with the value restriction... :-/
  let getLogsUsingConnection conn = conn |> (RethinkDB.R.Table("WebLog").RunCursorAsync >> Async.AwaitTask)

  let getWebLogsCE () = Do {
      // this says get the dependency out using this function, then use it to run the following function
      return! liftDep getConnFromContainer getLogsUsingConnection
  // both this and the above have the same signature: unit -> ReaderM<IConnection, Async<Cursor<'a>>>
  // the 'a is only because we don't do anything with the cursor directly here, instead the printf down below forces the type of 'obj
  // you may need to type the printf call more strongly to enforce that these are strings.
  let getWebLogsFn () = liftDep getConnFromContainer (RethinkDB.R.Table("WebLog").RunCursorAsync >> Async.AwaitTask)

module Main =
  let main argv = 
    System.Console.WriteLine "Running now"
    // setup your dependency structures at the composition root 
    let dependencies = RethinkDB.R.Connection().Hostname("my-server").Db("myWebLog").Connect() :> IConnection
    DataAccess.getWebLogsCE () 
    |> run dependencies
    |> Async.RunSynchronously
    |> Seq.iter (printf "%O")


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