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Created April 26, 2019 12:57
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h3.speakerslist-title Art in Full Bloom
| with
a(href='/speakers/Lorenzo_Garcia') Lorenzo Garcia
img.speakerslist-img.img-circle.pull-left(src='./images/speakers/Lorenzo_Garcia_tn.jpg', alt='Photo of Lorenzo Garcia')
| Drawing and painting flowers may seem like a first-year art student's assignment, but Lorenzo Garcia brings depth, shadows,
| light, form and color to new heights with his unique and revolutionary technique of painting on canvas
| with ceramic glaze. This session is sure to be a hit with mixed media buffs.
h3.speakerslist-title Deep Sea Wonders
| with
a(href='./Hillary_Goldwynn.html') Hilary Goldywynn Post
img.speakerslist-img.img-circle.pull-left(src='./images/speakers/Hillary_Goldwynn_tn.jpg', alt='Photo of Hilary Goldywynn Post')
| Hillary is a sophomore art sculpture student at New York University, and has won the major international prizes for painters,
| including the Divinity Circle and the International Painter's Medal. Hillary's exhibit features
| paintings that contain only water including waves, deep sea, and river.
h3.speakerslist-title The Art of Abstract
| with
a(href='/speakers/Riley_Rewington') Riley Rudolph Rewington
img.speakerslist-img.img-circle.pull-left(src='./images/speakers/Riley_Rewington_tn.jpg', alt='Photo of Riley Rudolph Rewington')
| The leader of the MMA artistic movement in his hometown of Portland, Riley Rudolph Rewington draws a crowd wherever he goes.
| Mixing street performance, video, music, and traditional art, Riley has created some of the most unique
| and deeply poignant abstract works of his generation.
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h1.sidebar-title Artwork on display
| While you attend the conference, head over to our gallery where you can check out some of the work from our speakers.
img(src='./images/artwork/Lorenzo_Garcia_01_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 0')
img(src='./images/artwork/Lorenzo_Garcia_02_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 1')
img(src='./images/artwork/Lorenzo_Garcia_03_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 2')
img(src='./images/artwork/Lorenzo_Garcia_04_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 3')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_01_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 4')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_02_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 5')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_03_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 6')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_04_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 7')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_05_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 8')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_06_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 9')
img(src='./images/artwork/Hillary_Goldwynn_07_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 10')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_01_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 11')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_02_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 12')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_03_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 13')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_04_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 14')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_05_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 15')
img(src='./images/artwork/Riley_Rewington_06_tn.jpg', alt='Artwork 16')
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