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Last active November 9, 2023 13:52
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Contract for BuidlGuidl Tabard NFT v1 on Eth Mainnet at
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol";
* @title BuidlGuidl Tabard
* @author Daniel Khoo
* @notice A dynamic NFT for BuidlGuidl members. Image is a fully-onchain SVG with tied to the bound address i.e. the minter.
* Dynamic elements are: ENS reverse resolution, stream and wallet balance updates.
* @dev Mintable if wallet is toAddress of a BuidlGuidl stream.
contract BuidlGuidlTabard is ERC721 {
// ENS Reverse Record Contract for address => ENS resolution
// NOTE: Address of ENS Reverse Record Contract differs across testnets/mainnet
IReverseRecords ensReverseRecords =
mapping(address => address) public streams; // Store individual stream addresses so they can be referenced post-mint
constructor() ERC721("BuidlGuidl Tabard", "BGT") {}
function mintItem(address streamAddress) public {
// Minimal check that wallet is the recipient of a Stream
// Someone could deploy a decoy stream to bypass this, but it's easier to just join the BuidlGuidl :)
ISimpleStream stream = ISimpleStream(streamAddress);
msg.sender == stream.toAddress(),
"You are not the recipient of the stream"
streams[msg.sender] = streamAddress;
// Set the token id to the address of minter.
// Inspired by
_mint(msg.sender, uint256(uint160(msg.sender)));
function tokenURI(uint256 id) public view override returns (string memory) {
return _buildTokenURI(id);
// Constructs the encoded svg string to be returned by tokenURI()
function _buildTokenURI(uint256 id) internal view returns (string memory) {
bool minted = _exists(id);
// Bound address from tokenId
address boundAddress = address(uint160(id));
string memory streamBalance = "";
// Don't include stream in URI until token is minted
if (minted) {
// Get stream address, to check it's current balance
address streamAddress = streams[boundAddress];
ISimpleStream stream = ISimpleStream(streamAddress);
streamBalance = string(
unicode'<text x="20" y="305">Stream Ξ',
bytes memory image = abi.encodePacked(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 400 400" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">',
'<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[text { font-family: monospace; font-size: 21px;} .h1 {font-size: 40px; font-weight: 600;}]]></style>',
'<rect width="400" height="400" fill="#ffffff" />',
'<text class="h1" x="50" y="70">Knight of the</text>',
'<text class="h1" x="80" y="120" >BuidlGuidl</text>',
unicode'<text x="70" y="240" style="font-size:100px;">🏗️ 🏰</text>',
unicode'<text x="210" y="305">Wallet Ξ',
'<text x="20" y="350" style="font-size:28px;"> ',
'<text x="20" y="380" style="font-size:14px;">0x',
'{"name":"BuidlGuidl Tabard", "image":"',
unicode'", "description": "This NFT marks the bound address as a member of the BuidlGuidl. The image is a fully-onchain dynamic SVG reflecting current balances of the bound wallet and builder work stream."}'
/* ========== HELPER FUNCTIONS ========== */
/// @notice Checks ENS reverse records if address has an ens name, else returns blank string
function lookupENSName(address addr) public view returns (string memory) {
address[] memory t = new address[](1);
t[0] = addr;
string[] memory results = ensReverseRecords.getNames(t);
return results[0];
/// @notice Converts wei to ether string with 2 decimal places
function weiToEtherString(uint256 amountInWei)
returns (string memory)
uint256 amountInFinney = amountInWei / 1e15; // 1 finney == 1e15
Strings.toString(amountInFinney / 1000), //left of decimal
Strings.toString((amountInFinney % 1000) / 100), //first decimal
Strings.toString(((amountInFinney % 1000) % 100) / 10) // first decimal
function addressToString(address x) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory s = new bytes(40);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
bytes1 b = bytes1(uint8(uint256(uint160(x)) / (2**(8 * (19 - i)))));
bytes1 hi = bytes1(uint8(b) / 16);
bytes1 lo = bytes1(uint8(b) - 16 * uint8(hi));
s[2 * i] = char(hi);
s[2 * i + 1] = char(lo);
return string(s);
function char(bytes1 b) internal pure returns (bytes1 c) {
if (uint8(b) < 10) return bytes1(uint8(b) + 0x30);
else return bytes1(uint8(b) + 0x57);
/* ========== EXTERNAL CONTRACT INTERFACES ========== */
/// @notice Minimal contract interfaces for dynamic reading of data for SVG
/// @notice SimpleStream that each buidlguidl member has
interface ISimpleStream {
function toAddress() external view returns (address);
function streamBalance() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice ENS reverse record contract for resolving address to ENS name
interface IReverseRecords {
function getNames(address[] calldata addresses)
returns (string[] memory r);
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