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Created March 15, 2017 17:44
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Riemann heartbeat with continuous alerting (with exponential backoff time)
(defn- heartbeat-bounce
[alpha min-ttl max-ttl & children]
(fn [event]
(let [ttl (max min-ttl (:ttl event))
ttl (min max-ttl (* alpha ttl))]
(call-rescue (assoc event :ttl ttl :time (unix-time)) children))))
(defn- heartbeat-process
[svc desc index bounce & children]
(fn [event]
(let [state (if (or (expired? event) (not= (:state event) "ok"))
desc (if (= state "ok")
(format "%s: hearbeat resumed" desc)
(format "%s: hearbeat missing for %.02f seconds" desc (float (:ttl event))))]
(let [event (-> event
(assoc :service svc :state state)
(dissoc :metric :description))]
(if-not (= state "ok")
(call-rescue (assoc event :description desc) children)
(bounce event))
(index event)))))))
(defn heartbeat
[pattern svc desc index & [params & children]]
(let [[params children] (if (map? params)
[params children]
[{} (apply vector params children)])
alpha (get params :alpha 2)
min-ttl (get params :min-ttl 60)
max-ttl (get params :max-ttl 3600)
bounce (heartbeat-bounce alpha min-ttl max-ttl index)
process (apply heartbeat-process svc desc index bounce children)]
(where (and (expired? event) (service svc))
(where (and (not (expired? event)) (service pattern))
(default {:ttl min-ttl} process)))))
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