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Created July 8, 2020 13:45
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create get functions
create or replace function it.function_get_create(_schema_dot_table text, _single_pkey_column_name text DEFAULT 'id'::text, _single_pkey_column_type text DEFAULT 'INTEGER'::text) returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
Create Date: 2019-03-25
Author: Dan Van Den Bosch
Used By: SQL consoles.
Why: This is to be ran by SQL developers on tables to create functions that get 1 row
Usage: SELECT it.function_get_create('myschema.mytable')
_returns_table_lister TEXT;
_select_lister TEXT;
_table_name TEXT;
SELECT split_part(_schema_dot_table, '.', 2)
INTO _table_name;
string_agg( pg_attribute.attname || ' ' || pg_attribute.atttypid::regtype, ', ') AS returns_table_lister
, string_agg(_table_name || '.' || pg_attribute.attname,E'\n' || ' , ') AS select_lister
-- more attributes?
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = _schema_dot_table::regclass -- table name, optionally schema-qualified
AND pg_attribute.attnum > 0
AND NOT pg_attribute.attisdropped
, _select_lister
PERFORM it.command
-- INSERT INTO it.animals ( animal) VALUES --this is for debugging purposes
('CREATE FUNCTION ' || _schema_dot_table || '_get (_' || _single_pkey_column_name || ' ' || _single_pkey_column_type || ') RETURNS TABLE (' || _returns_table_lister || ') LANGUAGE plpgsql AS' || E'\n' ||
'$body$' || E'\n' ||
'/*' || E'\n' ||
'==================================================' || E'\n' ||
'Author: ' || current_user::TEXT || '' || E'\n' ||
'Created At: ' || current_date::TEXT || E'\n' ||
'Note: This function was generated using it.function_get_create()' || E'\n' ||
'==================================================' || E'\n' ||
'*/' || E'\n' ||
'DECLARE' || E'\n' ||
' --===========try catch vars===========' || E'\n' ||
' _returned_sqlstate TEXT;' || E'\n' ||
' _message_text TEXT;' || E'\n' ||
' _pg_exception_detail TEXT;' || E'\n' ||
' _pg_exception_hint TEXT;' || E'\n' ||
' _pg_exception_context TEXT;' || E'\n' ||
' --====================================' || E'\n' ||
'' || E'\n' ||
'BEGIN' || E'\n' ||
' --============= SET VARIABLE VALUES ==============' || E'\n' ||
' RETURN QUERY ' || E'\n' ||
' SELECT ' || _select_lister || E'\n' ||
' FROM ' || _schema_dot_table || E'\n' ||
' WHERE ' || _table_name || '.' || _single_pkey_column_name || ' = ' || '_' || _single_pkey_column_name || ';' || E'\n' ||
' --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' || E'\n' ||
'' || E'\n' ||
' --===========CATCH CODE FOR ERRORS=============' || E'\n' ||
' EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN' || E'\n' ||
' _returned_sqlstate = RETURNED_SQLSTATE' || E'\n' ||
' , _message_text = MESSAGE_TEXT' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;' || E'\n' ||
'' || E'\n' ||
' _pg_exception_hint = _pg_exception_hint; --TODO add your parameters here.' || E'\n' ||
'' || E'\n' ||
' PERFORM it.pg_func_exceptions_insert (' || E'\n' ||
' _returned_sqlstate' || E'\n' ||
' , _message_text' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_detail' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_hint' || E'\n' ||
' , _pg_exception_context' || E'\n' ||
' , current_query()' || E'\n' ||
' , FALSE --false -> email will be sent to DBA upon function failure' || E'\n' ||
' );' || E'\n' ||
' RAISE EXCEPTION E''Got exception:' || E'\n' ||
' state : %' || E'\n' ||
' message: %' || E'\n' ||
' detail : %' || E'\n' ||
' hint : %' || E'\n' ||
' context: %'', _returned_sqlstate, _message_text, _pg_exception_detail, _pg_exception_hint, _pg_exception_context;' || E'\n' ||
' --============END CATCH CODE=========================' || E'\n' ||
'END;' || E'\n' ||
alter function it.function_get_create(text, text, text) owner to dvandenbosch;
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