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Created June 1, 2009 12:13
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%% @author author <>
%% @copyright Daniel Kwiecinski.
%% @doc Static webmachine resource.
-export([init/1, allowed_methods/2,
content_types_provided/2, resource_exists/2, last_modified/2, provide_content/2]).
-record(context, {docroot,fullpath,fileinfo}).
init(DocRoot) -> {ok, #context{docroot=DocRoot}}.
resource_exists(ReqData, Context) ->
case get_full_path(Context#context.docroot, wrq:disp_path(ReqData)) of
undefined -> {false, ReqData, Context};
Path ->
case filelib:is_regular(Path) of
true ->
case file:read_file_info(Path) of
{ok, FileInfo} ->
{true, ReqData, Context#context{fileinfo=FileInfo}};
{error, _} ->
{false, ReqData, Context}
_ -> {false, ReqData, Context}
content_types_provided(ReqData, Context) ->
Path = get_full_path(Context#context.docroot, wrq:disp_path(ReqData)),
{[{webmachine_util:guess_mime(Path), provide_content}], ReqData, Context#context{fullpath=Path}}.
allowed_methods(ReqData, Context) -> {['HEAD', 'GET'], ReqData, Context}.
last_modified(ReqData, Context) ->
{(Context#context.fileinfo)#file_info.mtime, ReqData, Context}.
provide_content(ReqData, Context) ->
{ok, Value} = file:read_file(Context#context.fullpath),
{Value, ReqData, Context}.
% ------------------ PRIVATE ------------------------
get_full_path(DocRoot, Path) ->
case mochiweb_util:safe_relative_path(Path) of
undefined -> undefined;
RelPath ->
FullPath = filename:join([DocRoot, RelPath]),
case filelib:is_dir(FullPath) of
true ->
filename:join([FullPath, "index.html"]);
false ->
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