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Created June 11, 2009 14:24
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% copied from Mochiweb's mochiweb_uitl.erl
-define(PERCENT, 37). % $\%
-define(FULLSTOP, 46). % $\.
-define(IS_HEX(C), ((C >= $0 andalso C =< $9) orelse
(C >= $a andalso C =< $f) orelse
(C >= $A andalso C =< $F))).
-define(QS_SAFE(C), ((C >= $a andalso C =< $z) orelse
(C >= $A andalso C =< $Z) orelse
(C >= $0 andalso C =< $9) orelse
(C =:= ?FULLSTOP orelse C =:= $- orelse C =:= $~ orelse
C =:= $_))).
encode(S) -> quote_plus(S).
%% @spec quote_plus(atom() | integer() | float() | string() | binary()) -> string()
%% @doc URL safe encoding of the given term.
quote_plus(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
quote_plus(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
quote_plus(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
quote_plus(Float) when is_float(Float) ->
quote_plus(String) ->
quote_plus(String, []).
quote_plus([], Acc) ->
quote_plus([C | Rest], Acc) when ?QS_SAFE(C) ->
quote_plus(Rest, [C | Acc]);
quote_plus([$\s | Rest], Acc) ->
quote_plus(Rest, [$+ | Acc]);
quote_plus([C | Rest], Acc) ->
<<Hi:4, Lo:4>> = <<C>>,
quote_plus(Rest, [hexdigit(Lo), hexdigit(Hi), ?PERCENT | Acc]).
hexdigit(C) when C < 10 -> $0 + C;
hexdigit(C) when C < 16 -> $A + (C - 10).
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