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Created October 15, 2015 13:51
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An exploration of the cake pattern for scala
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
* This explores self type and the cake pattern
* The recipe:
* 1) Create a trait component
* 2) Declare any dependent components using self-types
* 3) Create the trait
* 4) Create an abstract val that will be instantiated with an instance of the component
* 5) Optionally provide implementations of the component's interface
class MyCakePattern extends MockitoSugar {
object App extends AComponent with BComponent {
// We declare the necessary components
override protected val a: A = new myA()
// Use the given implementation
override val b: B = new myB()
val myActualB = App.b
val testApp = new BComponent with AComponent {
//This provides a nice way of injecting dependencies
override protected val a: A = mock[A]
override protected val b: B = new myB()
// A basic component
trait AComponent {
trait A {
def ourTestString: String
def someRandomUnusedString: String
protected val a: A
protected class myA extends A {
override def ourTestString: String = "2"
override def someRandomUnusedString: String = ""
* 151015
* What about classes with constructors that you want to do dependency injection with?!
* Doing the whole traitComponent, trait wrapper around an injection seems like a lot of overhead
// A component that depends on some other component
trait BComponent {
this: AComponent =>
// requires A component and now can access a!
trait B {
def someNecessaryFunctionThatUsesA: Unit
protected val b: B
// Example concrete impl that defines some methods
protected class myB extends B {
override def someNecessaryFunctionThatUsesA: Unit = {
println(a.ourTestString) // We can use a here!
def someOtherFunctionThatCanBeOverridden: Unit = {
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