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Last active September 19, 2022 20:31
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(ns aula2.exercicio
(:require [ :as data]
[aula2.listas-e-vetores :as lista]))
;; criar um vetor com nome de clientes que conter� todos os clientes de ambas as colec�es do namespace ``.
(defn clients
"Get clients names in a vector."
[& clients]
(->> (apply concat clients)
;; (map #(str (:first-name %) " " (:last-name %)))
(into [])))
(clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
;; adicionar um cliente no vetor `clientes`.
(defn add-new-client
"Add a new client in the client vector."
[clients new-client]
(conj clients new-client))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
(add-new-client lista/novo-cliente))
;; retornar o cliente na posic�o `p` do vetor clientes.
(defn find-client
"Find a client in a specific position of the clients vector."
[clients index]
(get clients index))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
(find-client 2))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
(find-client 100))
;; retornar o nome do cliente mais novo do vetor `clientes`.
(defn get-name-from-newest-client
"Get the name from the newest client."
(let [{:keys [first-name last-name]} (peek clients)]
" "
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
;; remover o cliente mais novo do vetor `clientes`.
(defn remove-newest-client
"Remove the newest client from the clients vector."
(pop clients))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
;; retornar o nome do cliente mais antigo do vetor `clientes`.
(defn get-oldest-client
"Get the oldest client from the clients vector."
(first clients))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
;; remover o cliente mais antigo do vetor `clientes`.
(defn remove-oldest-client
"Remove the oldest client from the clients vector."
(rest clients))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
;; remover do vetor `clientes` os clientes com o `last-year-revenue` menor que 50000 (dica: usar `remove` ou `filter`, procurar na documentac�o);
(defn remove-clients-revenue-year<50000
"Remove clients by revenue year less than 50000."
(filter #(>= (:last-year-revenue %) 50000) clients))
(-> (clients data/clientes-lista data/clientes-vetor)
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