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RustDesk Delete Test Certs
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
// RegDelnodeRecurseW()
// Purpose: Deletes a registry key and all its subkeys / values.
// Parameters: hKeyRoot - Root key
// lpSubKey - SubKey to delete
// Return: TRUE if successful.
// FALSE if an error occurs.
BOOL RegDelnodeRecurseW(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPWSTR lpSubKey)
LONG lResult;
DWORD dwSize;
HKEY hKey;
// First, see if we can delete the key without having
// to recurse.
lResult = RegDeleteKeyW(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return TRUE;
lResult = RegOpenKeyExW(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (lResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
//printf("Key not found.\n");
return TRUE;
else {
//printf("Error opening key.\n");
return FALSE;
// Check for an ending slash and add one if it is missing.
lpEnd = lpSubKey + lstrlenW(lpSubKey);
if (*(lpEnd - 1) != L'\\')
*lpEnd = L'\\';
*lpEnd = L'\0';
// Enumerate the keys
dwSize = MAX_PATH;
lResult = RegEnumKeyExW(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
do {
*lpEnd = L'\0';
StringCchCatW(lpSubKey, MAX_PATH * 2, szName);
if (!RegDelnodeRecurseW(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey)) {
dwSize = MAX_PATH;
lResult = RegEnumKeyExW(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
} while (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS);
*lpEnd = L'\0';
// Try again to delete the key.
lResult = RegDeleteKeyW(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// RegDelnodeW()
// Purpose: Deletes a registry key and all its subkeys / values.
// Parameters: hKeyRoot - Root key
// lpSubKey - SubKey to delete
// Return: TRUE if successful.
// FALSE if an error occurs.
BOOL RegDelnodeW(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCWSTR lpSubKey)
//return FALSE; // For Testing
WCHAR szDelKey[MAX_PATH * 2];
StringCchCopyW(szDelKey, MAX_PATH * 2, lpSubKey);
return RegDelnodeRecurseW(hKeyRoot, szDelKey);
// DeleteRustDeskTestCertsW_SingleHive()
// Purpose: Deletes RustDesk Test certificates and wrong key stores
// Parameters: RootKey - Root key
// Prefix - SID if RootKey=HKEY_USERS
// Return: TRUE if successful.
// FALSE if an error occurs.
BOOL DeleteRustDeskTestCertsW_SingleHive(HKEY RootKey, LPWSTR Prefix = NULL) {
// WDKTestCert to be removed from all stores
LPCWSTR lpCertFingerPrint = L"D1DBB672D5A500B9809689CAEA1CE49E799767F0";
// Wrong key stores to be removed completely
LPCSTR RootName = "ROOT";
LPWSTR SubKeyPrefix = (LPWSTR)RootName; // sic! Convert of ANSI to UTF-16
LPWSTR lpSystemCertificatesPath = (LPWSTR)malloc(512 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpSystemCertificatesPath == 0) return FALSE;
if (Prefix == NULL) {
wsprintfW(lpSystemCertificatesPath, L"Software\\Microsoft\\SystemCertificates");
else {
wsprintfW(lpSystemCertificatesPath, L"%s\\Software\\Microsoft\\SystemCertificates", Prefix);
HKEY hRegSystemCertificates;
LONG res = RegOpenKeyExW(RootKey, lpSystemCertificatesPath, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hRegSystemCertificates);
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return FALSE;
for (DWORD Index = 0; ; Index++) {
LPWSTR SubKeyName = (LPWSTR)malloc(255 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (SubKeyName == 0) break;
DWORD cName = 255;
LONG res = RegEnumKeyExW(hRegSystemCertificates, Index, SubKeyName, &cName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if ((res != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (SubKeyName == NULL))
if ((SubKeyName[0] == SubKeyPrefix[0]) && (SubKeyName[1] == SubKeyPrefix[1])) {
// "Chinese Characters" key begins with "ROOT" encoded as UTF-16
LPWSTR Complete = (LPWSTR)malloc(512 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (Complete == 0) break;
wsprintfW(Complete, L"%s\\%s", lpSystemCertificatesPath, SubKeyName);
//std::wcout << "Rogue Key Deleted! \"" << Complete << "\"" << std::endl; // TODO: Why does this break the console?
std::wcout << "Rogue Key Deleted!" << std::endl;
if (RegDelnodeW(RootKey, Complete)) {
Index--; // Because index has moved due to the deletion
else {
// Remove test certificate
LPWSTR Complete = (LPWSTR)malloc(512 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (Complete == 0) break;
wsprintfW(Complete, L"%s\\%s\\Certificates\\%s", lpSystemCertificatesPath, SubKeyName, lpCertFingerPrint);
std::wcout << "Try delete from: " << SubKeyName << std::endl;
RegDelnodeW(RootKey, Complete);
return TRUE;
// DeleteRustDeskTestCertsW()
// Purpose: Deletes RustDesk Test certificates and wrong key stores
// Parameters: None
// Return: None
void DeleteRustDeskTestCertsW() {
// Current user
std::wcout << "*** Current User" << std::endl;
// Local machine (requires admin rights)
std::wcout << "*** Local Machine" << std::endl;
// Iterate through all users (requires admin rights)
LPCWSTR lpRoot = L"";
HKEY hRegUsers;
LONG res = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_USERS, lpRoot, NULL, KEY_READ, &hRegUsers);
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return;
for (DWORD Index = 0; ; Index++) {
LPWSTR SubKeyName = (LPWSTR)malloc(255 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (SubKeyName == 0) break;
DWORD cName = 255;
LONG res = RegEnumKeyExW(hRegUsers, Index, SubKeyName, &cName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if ((res != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (SubKeyName == NULL))
std::wcout << "*** User: " << SubKeyName << std::endl;
DeleteRustDeskTestCertsW_SingleHive(HKEY_USERS, SubKeyName);
int main()
return 0;
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